Tuesday, December 31, 2019

La Casa De Mi Padre - 845 Words

The movie â€Å"La Casa de mi Padre† takes place in Mexico and represents family values and the cost of drug rivalries. In this movie the main character (Armando Alvarez) is a â€Å"ranchero† on his fathers land and the idiot of the family. Armando lives with his father in the house of his father, as enforced in the title, and although not heavily educated and lacks the qualities of a successful man as consistently pointed of by his father finds greater purpose when his brother comes back to town. The film begins by helping the viewer identify all the main characters in the movie and there place in the film. The issues faced in the film are created when Armando s brother (Raul) and beloved and favorite son to Pedro returns to his father s ranch as a successful businessman. This is the first consequential action that begin to dictate the direction of this movie. As Raul returns he brings with him his lover and hopefully soon to be wife. Pedro quickly gives his blessing t o his son and begins planning the wedding. Accompany Rauls return to the family ranch Armando reaches the conclusion that the business that his brother has gotten himself into is the drug business. Appalled by the the idea of his brother getting involved in such evil and threatening the family name Armado addresses to Raul to confirm the accusation. Armando is enraged by his brothers stupidity and utter disregard for the pride of his family. He directs his hate and blame for his brothers poor decisions on his newShow MoreRelatedIglesia Casa De Dios Para Las Naciones, Inc.710 Words   |  3 PagesIGLESIA CASA DE DIOS PARA LAS NACIONES, INC. I. INDICE DE CONTENIDOS I. SOBRE ESTE MANUAL †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. II. CARTA A LOS VOLUNTARIOS LA VISIÓN III. LA MISIÓN IV. VALORES CREENCIAS V. VALORES FUNDAMENTALES VI. DOCTRINA VII. PRà CTICAS DEL MINISTERIO IX. SEGURIDAD Y PROTECCIÓN X. PÓLIZA Y PROCEDIMIENTOS XI. MINISTERIOS XII. FORMULARIOS Y PERMISOS IGLESIA CASA DE DIOS PARA LAS NACIONES, INC. I. SOBRE ESTE MANUAL El propà ³sito de està © es para proveerRead MorePecado de omision por Ana MarÃÆ' ­a Matute717 Words   |  3 Pages El cuento â€Å"Pecado de omisià ³n† fue escrito por Ana Marà ­a Matute como parte del movimiento de realismo social espaà ±ol. Fue incluido en el libro Historias de la Artà ¡mila, el cual fue publicado en mil novecientos sesenta y uno. Este cuento tiene dos tipos de tema. Su tema significativo trata de la injusticia de la situacià ³n de Lope y su tratamiento por don Emeterio; su tema axiomà ¡tico trata de las relaciones familiares y el tratamiento de los pobres y de los huà ©rfanos. 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INTRODUCCION En este ensayo se tendrà ¡ en cuenta la obra literaria serpiente con plumas del escritor Leonardo Rengifo. Para hacer una explicacià ³n de la misma y en la cual darà © mi opinià ³n sobre esta. Para desarrollar fue necesaria leer la obra serpiente con pumas. DE QUE TRATA CADA CAPITULO DE LA OBRA 1RA PARTE ELRead MoreThe Life1586 Words   |  7 Pageshelp you, complete their comments by choosing the correct word or words. 1. De nià ±o, Pepe tenà ­a _____ estupenda,  ¿verdad? a. pizza c. una coleccià ³n de monedas b. quinceaà ±era d. servilleta 2. Toni y Luisito pasaban mucho tiempo jugando con _____. a. el tren elà ©ctrico c. el triciclo b. el oso de peluche d. la cuerda 3. Sà ­, y tambià ©n jugaban con _____. a. el patio de recreo c. la hamburguesa b. los abuelos d. los bloques 4. Tà º siempre jugabas con _____Read MoreLa Llorona Essay1361 Words   |  6 PagesLa llorona Existen varias versiones de la leyenda de la llorona, tantas que quizà ¡ sea imposible contarlas todas. 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Maquiavelo nace el 3 de mayo de 1469, en medio del Renacimiento italiano, en la Repà ºblica de Florencia, hogar de muchos otros personajes histà ³ricosRead MoreIdioma Klingon10038 Words   |  41 PagesBien. Como expresià ³n de satisfaccià ³n. majQa Muy bien. pItlh Està ¡ hecho, està ¡ realizado, he finalizado. Qo No, me niego. wejpuH Encantador. Se usa irà ³nicamente. tlhIngan Hol Dajatlha Habla usted klingon? nuqDaq oH puchpae Dà ³nde està ¡ el baà ±o? Espero que no necesiten usar esta frase, porque para cuando logren hacerse entender, serà ¡ demasiado tarde para que les den una respuesta... bIjatlhe yImev Callate! Qapla Éxito! Como habrà ¡n visto, el uso de mayà ºsculas no es elRead MoreEssay De La Llorona1732 Words   |  7 PagesInez Frias Profesor Calleros Spanish 129 12/3/17 La Llorona Existen varias versiones de la leyenda de La Llorona, tantas que quizà ¡ sea imposible contarlas todas. Esta historia se considera no un mito, sino una leyenda. Tiene un origen basado en una persona real, pero se ha convertido en leyenda a travà ©s de los anos. Esta leyenda es una faceta importante de la cultura latina porque ha sobrevivido por cinco siglos, se a incorporado en cultura moderna, y es muy posible que se siga contando en los anosRead MoreAnn Frank Life in Hiding3184 Words   |  13 Pagesof her life from 1942 to 1944, when her family were hiding in Amsterdam from German Nazis. Cartas mundialmente famoso diario de Ana Frank, de dos aà ±os de su vida desde 1942 a 1944, cuando su familia se ocultaban en Amsterdam a partir de los nazis alemanes. The diary begins just before the family retreated into their Secret Annexe. El diario comienza justo antes de que la familia se retirà ³ a su anexo secreto. Anne Frank recorded mostly her hopes, frustrations, clashes with her p arents, and observation

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about History of Stem Cells - 1407 Words

History of Stem Cells Abstract This paper will be discussing the history of stem cells. There are many different ways to collect stem cells. Stem cells can be used for either right or wrong reasons. People can either use them to cure or to cause harm. Most people use stem cells to cure fatal illnesses. The one researcher that put stem cells out in the science world so people could understand it better was Leroy Stevens. His first encounter with stem cells was with a mouse that had a teratoma. Most people don’t understand the need for stem cells. There are many reasons why we research stem cells. Stem cells can be collected form a wide variety of places. The studies of stem cells have been around for many years. There were many†¦show more content†¦After, exposure to a large amount of the ingredients to make cigarettes, Stevens noticed that each mouse was developing a cancerous tumor, which is called a teratoma (Kelly 23). After the growth of a teratoma, the director of the laboratory, Dr. Clarence Cook Little, encouraged Stevens to continue in this line of research, including exploratory dissections (Kelly 23). Then he found that there were some cells that were normally found in the cardiac muscle and some other cells that did not belong there (Kelly 23). After, that discovery they named it strain mouse 129. Stevens found that many other mice were developing teratomas (Kelly 23). This all indicated that all these mice generated a gene that would develop teratomas. Also, most of these cells had undifferentiated and differentiated cells (Kelly 23). Ever since the research of Leroy Stevens, we have been using different methods to collect stem cells. In the beginning, after Stevens’ research, there were two groups that used different methods for gathering stem cells. One team was from Johns Hopkins Medical School, and their method for gathering stem cells was by using aborted fetuses. The second team from Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, and their method for gathering stem cells were by using the left over embryos from in vitro fertilization (Kelly 25). All the good embryos were implanted and only the inferior onesShow MoreRelatedHistory Of Dental Pulp Stem Cells3377 Words   |  14 Pagesrecent progress in stem cell and tissue engineering research. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are considered a promising population of cells in regenerative dentistry and have been shown to produce dentin/pulp-like tissues following implantation in vivo (Gronthos et al., 2000; Gronthos et al., 2002; Shi et al., 2001). Important ly, DPSCs reside in the microvasculature region of the dental pulp and interact with perivascular cells (Shi and Gronthos, 2003). Therefore, endothelial cells could be a majorRead MoreLegal Issues Regarding Stem Cell Research1666 Words   |  7 PagesStem Cell Research Legislation and Legal Issues: A stem cell can be described as the primary building block of the human body and have become important because of its ability to develop into a different cell type. Due to this ability to develop into different cell types, scientists have continued to build up ways to use stem cells to renew or repair damaged tissues or organs. As a result of such efforts, its expected that stem cell research can contribute to the discovery of new therapies forRead MoreThe For An Anonymous Donor Program985 Words   |  4 Pagesultimate solution is stem cell research. A stem cell can develop into many different types of cells and tissues, each with a specific function in the human body. Stem cells also divide and create new cells on their own. In bone marrow, for example, stem cells can break down old bone marrow, and replace it with new bone marrow. There is also a very interesting history behind stem cells. To begin, the foundation for stem cell science was first created in 1961. When stem cell science was first talkedRead MoreThe Debate Over Stem Cells1159 Words   |  5 Pagesdiabetes? These are just a few examples of the diseases that stem cells can treat. A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to mutate into many different types of cells in the body. Ever since stem cells were discovered, they have gained popularity and started to spark interest in scientists all across the world. Today there is a vigorous battle on the ethics, legalization, and experimentation of stem cells. Although stem cells are still being highly debated, they can open new doors in theRead MoreStem Cell Essay1310 Words   |  6 Pages The logical history of foundational microorganism may be explored as it has unfolded in the course of recent years; and after this, it will swing to a thought of the political history of undifferentiated organism look into. There has been a relentless pattern of researchers progressively taking in the privileged insights of stem cells and having the capacity to apply their new learning to either look into potential medications or really convey powerful medicines to people. In 2001, Bush issued anRead MoreStem Cell Research has the Potential to Alleviate Much Suffering1425 Words   |  6 Pagesthe words of former First Lady Nancy Reagan: â€Å"Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to alleviate so much suffering. Surely, by working together we can harness its life-giving potential.† Stem cell research shows so much promise to help people by treating diseases and other problems through therapy. While it seems as though the clear answer is that we should study stem cells as soon as possible, this is sadly not the case. Stem cell research is an ongoing controversy within politics and theRead MoreThe Evolution Of Stem Cell Research991 Words   |  4 PagesHISTORY: The history of stem cell research starts with the discovery of the cell in the mid 1800s (1). With this discovery, scientists soon discovered that some cells can specialize and become other cells – these cells that can specialize are called stem cells. The phrase stem cell was first used in a scientific fiction novel by German biologist Ernst Haeckel; he used the phrase to describe the fertilized egg that will eventually grow to become an organism. The next notable usage of the phrase wouldRead MoreThe Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research1710 Words   |  7 PagesEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cells, according to the National Institute of Health, are cells obtained from embryos that are prepared from fertilized eggs which have been collected through the in vitro technique; in specialized clinics. Scientists use the stem cell research to have a better idea about the evolution, aging, and disease. Thus, they keep track of the stem cells progress across the lifetime; this tracking process can help scientists to figure out the genetic mutationsRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1416 Words   |  6 PagesSTEM CELLS In this report, I mainly focused on Stem-Cells. You will read about Stem-Cells and its history from the moment this term was known. Also, you will know the Sources, properties, and the types of Stem-Cells. In addition, you will know some of the pros and cons researches about Stem-Cells. Stem-Cells are cells that have the ability to divide and multiply and renew itself. †¢ Sources of Stem-Cells: 1- The first source is Bone Marrow. 2- The second source isRead MoreStem Cell Advocacy Paper : Stem Cells1123 Words   |  5 Pages Stem Cell Advocacy Paper Introduction Stem cells are basically the building blocks of life. Some type of these cells can be engineered into any type of cell in the human body. There are three types of stem cells currently. Adult or somatic stem â€Å"cells can generate replacements for bone and muscle cells that are lost through injury, disease or normal wear and tear.† Another type of stem cells are embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells â€Å"are â€Å"starter cells† that can be coaxed into becoming any

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland Free Essays

Almost 40 years ago British troops were sent into Londonderry because of many conflicts due to the separations and discrimination of the two religions, Catholic and Protestants. British government tried to intervene by sending in their on troops as discrimination got so escaladed that Catholics would not even trust the RUC (who were mainly Protestant.) British troops were sent into Ireland because of many conflicts that originated to Henry VIII which was almost 500 hundred years ago. We will write a custom essay sample on Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland? or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon, the pope of Rome forbade it, thus making England alone and more importantly formed â€Å"The church of England.† Ireland was still Catholic and allies with Rome, England saw this as a threat so after 1610 they, seized some of Ireland and â€Å"planted† some Protestants there. England thought that Rome would want to try and evade England through Ireland so this is why they took over part of Ireland. The protestant living in Ireland were called undertakers as they had to under take all rules given by the Church of England, they had to build barns houses and be combat ready when needed. Irish Catholics were furious about the take over of Ireland so they decided to rebel, they burnt houses and barns, crops and food; they also killed thousands of protestants (2000 – 3000). This made England retaliate so they sent a Scottish army of 10,000 men into Ulster and the English army took hold of Cork and Dublin, the rebellion resulted in the whole of Ireland being taken over. When King Charles II died, James II became his successor, the problem with James II being king is that he is catholic. James promoted catholic soldiers to higher ranks and gave more benefits to Catholics, parliament became suspicious and thought he was trying to change England into a catholic state. James’s Daughter Mary married William of Orange. Making William the new king. James II went to Ireland and he knew he would get strong support from Catholics. With his army behind him, he went to take over Derry, but the apprentice boys closed the gate stopping his army from entering, the protestants suffered from starvation, disease and huge destruction because of this, but when James II was defeated by William of orange, (battle of Boyne) protestants where seen as heroes for fighting for their believes, ironically this is one of the main reasons why British troops had to be sent in again 400 hundred years later. This in many ways led to the rising of Sinn Fein who were a political group fighting for Ireland’s freedom, in the sense they were also corrupt and had the support of the IRA (Irish republican army.) The Sinn Fein, one of the leaders Michael Collins, who raised a lot of armies, actually signed the partition. Britain thought the only way to resolve Irelands conflicts would be to try and buy both Ulster and Ireland off, reluctantly accepted by both sides Ireland was once and for all separated (1920),). Possible short term effects of the British troops sent in would be the discrimination against Catholics, due to the bad blood because of plantation and the reformation and the battle of Derry. The first of many short term causes was the blatant vote rigging or Gerrymandering, which caused many Catholics to have bad or even no house at all even if there were 12 in a family, but the Protestants would get them due to the discrimination. Jobs and promotion given to a catholic was very rare, a shipyard in Wolfe had over 10,000 employees but only 400 were catholic. Possible reasons which led up to the civil war could, which ultimately led to the sending in off the British troops, are the lack of housing provided by the local council, due to the gerrymandering the council was run by protestants causing Catholics to lose houses. Prejudice rose even further when RUC or B – specialists (off duty police who were armed) treated Catholics like scum. The RUC were renown to be mainly protestants, they harassed Catholics and destroyed their property, they even let off crimes as long as it was a protestant stealing from a catholic. All these events led to the Civil rights movement, Civil rights activists tried to march to Londonderry but were stopped at Burntollet bridge, where civil rights activists were met by angry protestants. The protestants thought the civil rights were all IRA, and thought they would take matters into their own hand and brutal rioting broke out. The b specialist actually helped the rioters and the RUC did little to nothing to help the matter. Soon after the events that occurred at Burntollet bridge and the appalling display by the RUC led to the Battle of Bogside. This battle was on the day of the apprentice boys march, (mentioned above) the protestants would march and â€Å"celebrate† the honorable apprentice boys. They would sing offensive songs such as â€Å"Drive the Billy-boys back† and throw missiles at the Catholics such as rocks and coins. On august 1969 the march began, even thought many people thought it would inevitable end up in a full scale riot. The Catholics tried to barricade themselves in but the Protestants ran at the barrier full force to get at them, the RUC were actually trying to get the barrier down (supposedly trying to break up the riot but couldn’t get to them). This appalling riot caused the sending of the troops in, Catholics thought it was a godsend as they heated the RUC so much. How to cite Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Etihad Airways free essay sample

http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/194868946 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/194868946. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to see how and airline has grown so fast, as well as look into the dfferent services they may offer to increase business. Eithad Airways is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world today. Through superiour manangement as well as large investments made by the government of Abu Dhabi. Etihad Airlines is the national airline of the U. A. E. Abu Dhabi plans to invest $136 billion over the next 9 years. The research methodolgies used in this article is both qualitative as well as quanitative, as it provides us with both types of information. The main finding in this article is that Etihad Airways plans to pursue a new expansion plan this summer, which is to increase business by 18%. It plans to offer customers around 258 services a week. Etihad will try to switch flight timings to offer easier connections to travellers. Existing routes will also see a rise in the frequency of flights. Both the CEO and Chairman of Etihad Airways commented that this is an exciting time for the company. FOCUS ON: Tussle for cash-lucrative routes http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/215675836 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/215675836. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to understand what positions other airlines have in the market and then compare that to Etihad Airways, and see if it poses a serious threat to its main competitors, Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways. Etihad Airways, started expanding into markets they knew well first, in order to create a brand image amongst travellers in those markets. Etihad Airways has succeeded as it aims to satisfy its customers on the road to becoming the biggest and most profitable airline in the world. The research methodolgy used is qualitative due to the statistics provided. The main finding of this article is that Emirates Airline and Qatar Airways have a strong hold and position especially in the Middle East and North Africa region, Etihad Airways sudden growth and success poses a serious threat to their position in the mark. Other competitors in the region and around the world are also compared to Etihad Airways, showing their growth as an airline. Etihad Airways to launch Japan flights http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/469036331 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/469036331. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to show how Etihad Airways is trying to cover and enter as many markets as it can. With the addition of Japan as a market, Etihad now flies to 60 destinations. Etihad Airways has rapid expansion plans in mind, and with the increase in flight frequency, it is determined to make a profit and compete with Emirates Airline and Qatar Airways for a higher market share and if possible, market dominance. The research methodology is qualitative as well as quantitaive. Qualitative as it discusses the new services and alliances with Japan and its national carrier. Quantitative as is shows us the percentage of increase in flight frequency. The main finding of the article is that Etihad Airways is focusing on entering far-eastern markets. It has just expanded its operations by announcing flights to Japan. Etihad announced a code share service with Japans national carrier ANA. This will allow Etihad passengers to avail the service of connecting flights to major cities in Japan. Etihad has also made similar deals with Alitalia in Italy. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES : Eithad Airways along with Armaguard form a new company for cargo http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/866078516 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/866078516. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to show how Etihad Airways plans to diversify within the aviation industry from passenger planes to dealing with valuable cargo. Etihad has established a new company in collaboration with Armaguard, which has become a leader in cash logisitcs, currency management as well as precious cargo markets. The research methodology is qualitative as it shows us Etihads expansion plans. The main finding of the article is that Etihad Airways has chosen to diversify into the market of precious cargo but creating a new company,ACM, in partnership with Armaguard. This is a great opportunity for them to expand their growing global air freight business. Armaguard has stated that it is excited about their expansion into the U. A. E and hope to meet its growth strategies over the next 3-5 years. Commentary Etihad Airways was established by a royal decree in 2003, to become the national airline of the United Arab Emirates. It is funded by the government of Abu Dhabi and in only 10 years of operation it has been awarded the best airline in the world three times. The primary focus would be the future of Etihad Airways as a market leader in commercial aviation. It is extremely focused on making sure that its growth strategis are customer focused and in line with their corporate objectives. It has seen rapid expansion, it has entered many markets around the world. Etihad carried out extensive market research across desired markets to make sure that their decisions are customer oriented. Growth is what every organistation wants, but controlling the pace of the growth is very important. Etihad is not only growing within, it is also diversifying into precious cargo logistics. The articles were mainly focused on Etihad Airways growth and expansion into the global market rather than insight into the company. All articles express Etihads unbelievable growth and expansion plans. Etihad also stated that to survive in this industry today, you need to put your customers needs infront as they will eventually dictate how they operate and the company will need to find innovate ways to satisfy their needs. If one wants to research more, they can search for various articles on the website as well as www. etihadairways. com. Appendix 1 Etihad Airways, the worlds fastest growing airline, is to increase its flying program this summer by 18 % Through its expansion plans, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates plans to launch several new routes. As of March 2007, non-stop flights will be taking off to Sydney Australia from the carriers Abu Dhabi base, and in August, 2007, Etihad Airways will also be launching direct flights to the Irish capital Dublin In September the airline carrier will also launch new flights to Milans Malpensa airport, and these are only a few of airlines expansion plans. Bringing its capacity up to a total of 258 services a week this summer, Etihad Airways will be launching 40 additional weekly flights from Abu Dhabi to the Indian Sub Continent, 6 extra flights to the GCC and Middle East regions, 15 extra flights to Europe, and 8 extra flights to the Far East and Africa. To accommodate to this increase in activity, Etihad airways will be adding 4 new three class Airbus A330 jets, 2 new three class Airbus A340-600 aircraft, and 6 new wide bodied long haul jets to its existing fleet. Commenting on these new plans, Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saif Al Nayhan, Chairman of Etihad Airways said: These are exciting times for both Etihad and Abu Dhabi. No long haul airline has grown as quickly from conception as we have . The airline has made great strides in just over three years, and were not going to stop here. We have more aircraft deliveries later this year and were actively pursuing opportunities in the winter from Abu Dhabi to the Middle East, Europe and Asia From his end, Mr. James Hogan, Chief Executive of Etihad Airlines added: Running a successful airline isnt just about buying planes and flying to new cities. This is why the board of directors at Etihad Airlines has now endorsed the companys development plan for the next three years. Our enhanced summer flight program shows our commitment to developing our business operations on commercial principles. Weve switched flight timings to offer better connections at Abu Dhabi for our customers and we introduced extra frequencies on existing routes. With these pans we are striving to make, Etihad Airways more attractive to the flying public and more viable as a business Appendix 2 BUOYED BY ITS NEW parent company, Virgin Nigeria has already joined in the Lagos-London fray. Nigerian Airways announced recently that it would operate three weekday flights between Lagos and London while awaiting slot allocations for other cash-spinning European routes. Virgin Nigeria CE Simon Harford says further fleet acquisitions to complement the airlines short-haul operations in Africa are also in the pipeline. The grounding of Air Afrique an airline born from the partnership between Francophone countries, spearheaded by Cote DIvoire has created a void in the West African market. Says aviation expert Linden Birns: Airlines tend to focus their growth on markets and regions they better understand. Its therefore not surprising to notice Kenya Airways and Ethiopian Airlines dominance in East Africa, Egypt Airs in north-east Africa, Royal Air Moroc in north-west Africa and SA Airways in southern Africa. Birns says there isnt an airline that can currently claim dominance in West Africa, a market that Virgin Nigeria is keen to exploit. Though Emirates and Qatar Airways have an undisputed stranglehold on the Middle East market, new kid on the block United Arab Emirates-based Eithad Airways is posing a threat to the duos regional dominance. Cathay Pacific is without a major competitor on major trans-Pacific routes and into Asia and Europe. National carrier SA Airways is largely dominant in southern Africa and keeping tabs on Virgin Nigeria while fending off fierce competition on lucrative routes to West Africa, Europe, Asia and the US from Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, Air France and KLM, among others. Appendix 3 Etihad Airways, the UAEs national airline, announced on Tuesday that a new flight service from Abu Dhabi to Nagoya, Japan would be launched immediately. The service marks the commencement of Etihads operations to Japan. Initially the airline will fly four times a week to Nagoya, via Beijing. From March 29, the service will be increased to five flights a week. On March 27, Etihad intends to expand its Japan operations with flights to Tokyo. James Hogan, chief executive officer, Eithad Airways, said: We believe the connection between Abu Dhabi and Nagoya will offer many opportunities to grow tourism, as well as foster commercial growth and benefit key industries particularly energy, environmental services and manufacturing. The move to increase the number of flights offered comes as part of Etihads assertion that it will make a profit in 2011 and compete with Dubais Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways for market dominance. As part of this strategy, the airline has also inked deals with Italys national carrier, Alitalia on similar terms. In December 2009, the airline also took delivery of the first of five Airbus A330-300s as it expands its fleet to cope with the added destinations across the world. With the addition of Nagoya and Tokyo, Etihad now flies to 60 destinations worldwide, with eight of them located in the Far East (Beijing, Jakarta, Singapore, Manila, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur being the others). Similar to its deal with Alitalia, Etihad will also be offering code share services with Japans national carrier, ANA from March 1. This service will offer Etihad passengers connecting flights from Nagoya and Tokyo to Chitose, Fukuoka and Osaka. ANA passengers will be able to use Abu Dhabi as a hub for Etihads worldwide network. Appendix 4 Etihad Airways and Linfox-owned Armaguard Group declared that they have establishes a new company to overhaul expensive goods around the world. The partnership will view Armaguard make a presence in Abu Dhabi under its ACM mark the name utilized as the worldwide face of Australian Armaguard fixes recognized in Abu Dhabi as ACM UAE. Armaguard has become the leading player in the Australian cash logistics, currency management and precious cargo markets and in recent time in New Zealand beneath the ACM brand. In 2003, Linfox has taken over it and has the most inclusive nation-wide coverage all over Australia and New Zealand. James Hogan Chief Executive Officer of Etihad Airways said, This new joint venture allows Etihad to enhance our growing global air freight business by leveraging the ground transport and security expertise of Armaguard to offer a new service across our global network. He said that the capability to overhaul precious cargo along with jewellery, precious stones, gold, and artworks is an important next step for our cargo business especially given Abu Dhabi s rising reputation as a capital for arts and culture, with world recognized companies like the Louvre and the Guggenheim in the pipeline. Hogan said, Clearly Etihad is building a significant presence in Australia, with several strong partnerships including our game-changing alliance with the Virgin Blue Group and bases established across the country. Armaguard Managing Director Keith Broadhouse said the company was excited about expanding into the United Arab Emirates.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Potential Problems with Performance Appraisals free essay sample

This paper looks at the inherent problems of performance appraisals and offers ways to avoid them. This paper examines the use of performance appraisals in the workplace. The three building blocks of performance appraisal are trait based, behavioral based, and rate based, all offer The author evaluates these three methods, and how they are affected by the habits of the supervisors conducting appraisals. From the paper: An organization should be able to teach their supervisors the proper techniques for rating and having the appraisals implemented with high ethical consideration. ?Managers, as well as, subordinates, are concerned about the politics and lack of fair treatment, honesty, and truthfulness within a performance review? (Axline, 1996, 44). To give an accurate representation of the performance an employee accomplishes two things should be done. One is that management should require appraisers who give poor ratings to document an outline procedure for improving performance and/or initiate termination. We will write a custom essay sample on Potential Problems with Performance Appraisals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chemical Composition of Black Powder or Gunpowder

Chemical Composition of Black Powder or Gunpowder Black powder is the name given to the earliest known chemical explosive. It is used as a blasting powder and a propellant for firearms, rockets, and fireworks. The composition of black powder or gunpowder is not set. In fact, several different compositions have been used throughout history. Heres a look at some of the most notable or common compositions, plus the composition of modern black powder. Black Powder Basics Theres nothing complicated about the formulation of black powder. It consists of charcoal (carbon), saltpeter (potassium nitrate or sometimes sodium nitrate), and sulfur. Charcoal and sulfur act as the fuel for the explosion, while saltpeter acts as an oxidizer. Sulfur also lowers the ignition temperature, which increases the combustion rate. Charcoal is used instead of pure carbon because it contains incompletely decomposed cellulose. It has a much lower autoignition temperature. Black powder made using pure carbon will ignite, but it wont explode. In commercial black powder preparation, potassium nitrate or another nitrate (e.g., sodium nitrate) usually is coated with graphite (a form of carbon). This helps prevent electrostatic charge build-up, reducing the chance a stray spark will prematurely ignite the mixture. Sometimes black powder is tumbled with graphite dust after it is mixed to coat the grains. In addition to reducing static, the graphite reduces moisture absorption, which could prevent gunpowder from igniting. Notable Black Powder Compositions Typical modern gunpowder consists of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur in a 6:1:1 or 6:1.2:0.8 ratio. Historically significant formulations have been calculated on a percentage basis: Formula Saltpeter Charcoal Sulfur Bishop Watson, 1781 75.0 15.0 10.0 British Government, 1635 75.0 12.5 12.5 Bruxelles studies, 1560 75.0 15.62 9.38 Whitehorne, 1560 50.0 33.3 16.6 Arderne lab, 1350 66.6 22.2 11.1 Roger Bacon, c. 1252 37.50 31.25 31.25 Marcus Graecus, 8th century 69.22 23.07 7.69 Marcus Graecus, 8th century 66.66 22.22 11.11 Source: The Chemistry of Gun Powder and Explosives

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Critical Analysis of N.T. Wright New Perspective of Paul on Research Paper

A Critical Analysis of N.T. Wright New Perspective of Paul on Covenantal Justification - Research Paper Example Being a self admitted proponent of a number of aspects that result from the New Perspectives put forward by Paul, Wright distinctly shares a number of similarities with fellow advocates E.P Sanders and James Dunn however, Wrights arguments carry their own weight and unique undertone. In recent times however, Wright has received a large amount of criticism especially with regard to the doctrine of justification2. This is the issue which will be examined in this discussion and will be addressed by examining the origin and development of the New Perspective of Paul,2) Justification in N.T. Wright and its Relation with the Adamic, Abrahamic and New Covenant and 3) Carry out a Critical Analysis on NT Wright Covenantal Justification from Reformed Scholars. By the end of this paper, it is hoped that the reader will have a clear understanding of the weakness of the covenantal view approach to justification by contrasting strengths within the disputed justification. In recent years, there has been a distinct change in the views touching on Pauline Theology with a growing number of evangelicals endorsing what is being referred to as the New Perspective on Paul which makes a significant departure from the Reformation focus on justification based on faith alone3. Some of the most popular spokesmen for this new view are E.P Sanders and James D.G Dunn. While having slight differences in the manner in which they defend the New Perspective, all of these scholars have seemingly adopted an argument referred to as covenantal nominism which essentially provides a role to salvation to the works of Moses’ law4. Among the numerous contributions to Pauline theology E. P Sanders stands as one of the most distinct. Heavily influenced by historical-Critical ideologies, Sanders argued that Paul’s Christology is distinctly unclear and conflicting. For instance on Rom 1:3-4 Sanders argues that while the reader of the passage might be led to believe

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Role Of Women In Arabic Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role Of Women In Arabic Society - Assignment Example Women in the Arab society are discriminated against especially in institutions such as marriage and areas such as inheritance and divorce. Women are not allowed to own property in some classes. Divorce will always almost favor the men and women end up suffering from the outcome of the divorce. Women in this society are considered a source of evil, social disorder and anarchy, and deception. This consideration is adopted by the prevailing religious ideology. Therefore, the society has created a certain standard of morality that stresses values and norm associated with traditional ideas of motherhood, wifehood, and femininity for the woman (Barakat, 1993). The woman in the society has been relieved of all financial responsibilities that the family might require. These responsibilities are the duties of the father who is seen as the provider of the family. A lot of changes have been witnessed throughout the world in regards changes in the family set up and socio-economic trends. The Arab community has also witnessed major changes especially towards how the woman is viewed in the society. Many women are being educated in the Arab community. This has allowed women to be involved in jobs in the public sectors in contrast to the traditional household women. Education Has made a lot of women to be providers of some of the families and has gained economical independence from the men. The changes in Arab society have begun to undermine traditional roles, relationships, and values within the Arab family.

Monday, November 18, 2019

To Explore Feminist Counselling taking into critical consideration Essay

To Explore Feminist Counselling taking into critical consideration both the overarching theoretical ideas and practice skills - Essay Example As per (Chaplin,1999,pg.5 ) â€Å"Feminist counselling is profoundly social and polite as well as personal and individual†. Feminist counselling is about bringing in a social change where woman to could act, think and move freely. Feminist counselling has a different approach unlike traditional approach which move away from a notion that females are responsible for sexual assault. As commonly represented among feminist theorists, the first wave is often originated from liberal feminists† (Ross ,2010,pg .4 ) On the other hand , in this counselling there is an acknowledgement of power relation in society, acknowledgment of inappropriately oppressed clients and their strengths, healing women through their journey and encourage more equitable relationship with opposite sect in the society. In feminist counselling, women counsellors from various backgrounds, races, sexual orientation, abilities are involved to handle all kind of woman problems. In feminist counselling ,different kind of theories, techniques and approaches are used to attain best results. The feminist counselling has been a movement progressed with the support and ideas of many prominent figures. Some of the main contributors to feminist counselling are Judith Worell, Pam Remen, Sandra Bem , Laura Brown, Jean Baker Miller and many others. However, there was much criticism from other women regarding its concept and intention. In this movement there is no one particular founder but many women figures like Judith Worell, Pam Remen , Sandar Bem. Carol Gilligan, Carolyn Enns,Laura Brown,Lillian Comas-Diaz and Olivia Espin had a major role to play. So, the feminist counselling has been an invention of many women who were fighters and they wanted equality and freedom for women. The major focus of feminist counselling is to empower woman and make their life potential and contributing to the society. It focuses on cultural, political, social

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Environmental Kuznets Curve definition and usage

Environmental Kuznets Curve definition and usage The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is a pragmatically, relationship that is assumed to trace the pollution path followed by countries as their per capita gross domestic product (GDP) grows and describes the relationship between per capita income and indicators of environmental degradation (Unruth and Moomaw, 1998). In the infant stages of development, the levels of some pollutants climb with increases in per capita income, while at advanced levels of development, environmental degradation follows a downward trend as income per capita is moving upwards. These results give rise to a bell shaped curve relating economic growth to environmental degradation, redolent of the relationship hypothesized by Kuznets (1995) between economic and income inequality (Nahman and Antrobus, 2005). The concept of EKC came out in the early 1990s with Grossman and Kruegers (1991) path-breaking study of the potential impacts of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Origins of the EKC The environmental Kuznets curve is a hypothesized relationship between different indicators of environmental degradation and income per capita. At first stages of economic growth degradation and pollution increase, but further than some level of income per capita, the movement reverses, so that at high-income levels economic growth leads to environmental improvement. This means that the impact of environmental indicator is an inverted U-shaped function of income per capita (David, 2003) In other words, the distribution of income becomes more asymmetrical in early stage of income growth and then the distribution moves towards greater equality as economic growth continues (Kuznets, 1955). This liaison between income per capita and income inequality can be represented by a bell-shaped curve. This is viewed as an empirical phenomenon known as the Kuznets Curve (Dinda, 2004). The link between per capita income and income inequality is shown on Figure 1(refer to appendix) Criticism and drawbacks of the Kuznets Curve The Kuznets Curve has helped in studying the relationship between environmental pollutants and GDP of countries but it does have drawbacks too. Even Kuznet (1955) himself indicated that the Kuznets Curve Theory is not a perfect one and the relationship between income inequality and economic development cannot be assumed. He also declared that lot information in the paper has been speculated and thus further research work must be carried out. The reason behind the development of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Since the last decades, the increasing threat of global warming and climate change has been of major continuing concern. Organisations such as the United Nations have been trying to diminish the unfavourable impacts of global warming through intergovernmental and binding accords. After immense negotiations, the agreement namely the Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997. This protocol has the objective of reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause climate change. The Kyoto protocol recognises limitations to environmental pollutants and necessitates a timetable for realisation of the emission reductions for the developed countries. During 2008 2012 periods the demands reduction of the GHG emissions to 5.2 % lower than the 1990 level. In 2005 it came into force: 178 states have signed and approved the protocol since April 2008 (Halicoglu, 2008). Greenhouse gas emissions particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, are considered to be the core causes of global warming. Consequently, to pre vent global warming a number of countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol and agreed to diminish their emission levels. Galeotti and Lanza (1999) indicated that some developing states refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol based on the argument that the industrialisation and development process should be subject to no constraints, particularly for energy production and consumption. One probable foundation for this position is the belief that while pollution increases with growth in GDP, it happens a point where pollution goes down. This view calls for a careful analysis of the relationship between economic growth and pollution. This relationship is obviously very complex as it depends on numerous different factors such as: The countrys size, The sectoral structure, including the composition of the demand for energy, The vintage of the technology, The demand for environmental quality, The level and quality of environmental protection expenditures. Shafik (1994) reports that the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality has been a source of great disagreement for a lengthy period of time. On one side it has been observed that greater economic activity unavoidably leads to environmental degradation and finally to possible economic and ecological collapse. At the other side is the view that those environmental nuisances worth solving will be tackled more or less automatically as a consequence of economic growth. Previous to 1970, there was a conviction that the raw materials consumptions, energy and natural resources were growing at the same pace as economy grows. In the early 1970s, the Club of Romes Limits of Growth view (Meadows et al., 1972) was brazen about the concern for the accessibility of natural resource of the Earth. They argued that the finiteness of ecological resources would prevent economic growth and advocated for a solid state economy with zero growth to avoid striking ecological circumstances in the future. This view has been criticised on both hypothetical and empirical grounds. Experimental works shows that the ratio of consumption of some metals to income was falling in developed countries during the 1970s, which brings divergence with the predictions set out in the Limits to Growth view (Maleness, 1978). Natural environment not only provide natural resources important for economic development but also execute the vital function of supporting life, if man persist to exp loit environment recklessly, then it would not be able to sustain life any longer. Environmental Kuznets Curve definition and graphical illustration The EKC follows the name of Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets who had remarkably hypothesized an inverted U income-inequality relationship (Kuznets, 1955). In the 1990s economists detected this relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation. Since then this relationship is known as Environmental Kuznets Curve. According to the EKC theory as a country develops, the pollution increases, but after reaching a specific level of economic progress (Y*) pollution begin to decrease as in figure 2. The EKC hypothesis suggests that environmental degradation is something unavoidable at the first stage of economic growth, so a developing country is forced to tolerate this degradation in order to develop. The x-axis symbolize the economic growth which is measured by GDP per capita and the y-axis represents the environmental degradation which is measured by many different pollution indicators such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, deforestation etc. The shapes of the Environmental Kuznets Curves. The relation between income and environmental pressure can be sketched in a several ways; firstly one can distinguish monotonic and non-monotonic curves. Monotonic curves may show either mounting pollution with rising incomes, as in the case of municipal waste per capita or decreasing. But, non-monotonic patterns may be more probable in other cases and two types have been recommended, namely inverted-U and N-shaped curves. The pattern discovered in experiential research depend on the types of pollutants scrutinised and the models that have been used for inference. Four speculative opinions are presented in favour of an inverted-U curve for (local) air pollutants, which can be listed as: Positive income elasticitys for environmental quality, Structural changes in production and consumption, Rising information on environmental consequences of economic activities as income rises and More international trade and more open political systems with increasing levels of income (Selden and Song 1994). Others, for example Pezzey (1989) and Opschoor (1990), have argued that such inverted-U relationships may not hold in the long run. They anticipated a so-called N-shaped curve which demonstrates the same pattern as the inverted-U curve initially, but beyond a certain income level the relationship between environmental pressure and income is positive again. Delinking is thus considered a temporary phenomenon. Opschoor (1990), for example, argues that once technological efficiency enhancements in resource use or abatement opportunities have been exhausted or have become too expensive, further income growth will result in net environmental degradation. Despite these considerations empirical evidence so far has been largely in favour of the inverted-U instead of the N shaped relationship (de Bruyn et al., 1998). The shortcomings of EKC analysis A number of critical studies of the EKC literature have been published (e.g. Ansuategi et al., 1998; Arrow et al., 1995; Ekins, 1997; Pearson, 1994; Stern et al., 1996; Stern, 1998). Theoretical critique This section discusses the criticisms that were raised against the EKC on theoretical (rather than methodological) grounds. One of the main criticisms of the EKC models is the assumption that environment and growth are not interrelated. In simple words the EKC hypothesis assumes no feedback between income and the pollution of environment. Fare et al., (2001) refer that due to the non-availability of actual data on environmental quality is the major restriction of all EKC studies. Environmental quality is something that is not measured accurately. Therefore, a guide of environmental quality, which could be a better measurement, should be developed and used to examine the EKC hypothesis. According to Ekins (2000), consideration in assessing the strength of the estimation is the reliability of the data used. However, there is little sign that the data problems are serious enough to shed doubt on the basic environment-income link for any particular environmental indicator, but the results in fact imply that this might be the case. Stern (2004) draws his attention to the mean median problem. He underlines that early EKC studies showed that a number of indicators: 2 SO emissions, x NO, and deforestation, peak at income levels around the current world mean per capita income. A hasty glimpse at the available econometric estimates might have lead one to believe that, given likely future levels of mean income per capita, environmental degradation should turn down from the present onward. Income is not yet, normally distributed but very skewed, with much larger numbers of people below mean income per capita than above it. Hence, this shows a median rather than mean income that is the relevant variable. Another problem related with the EKC studies is the little attention that has been paid to the statistical properties of time series. Very few studies in the past investigated the presence of unit root in time series of variables used to investigate the validity of the EKC. 2) Econometric critique Stern (2004) in a survey argues that the econometric criticisms of the EKC fall into four main categories: heteroscedasticity, simultaneity, omitted variables bias, and cointegration issues. Perman and Stern (2003) investigate the data and models for unit roots and cointegration respectively. Panel unit root tests designate that all three series log sulfur emissions per capita, log GDP capita, and its square have stochastic trends. Results for cointegration are less definite. About half the individual country EKC regressions cointegrate but many of these have limitations with incorrect signs. Some panel cointegration tests point out cointegration in all countries and some accept the non-cointegration hypothesis. However, even when cointegration is found, the form of the EKC relationship varies radically across countries with many countries having U-shaped EKCs. In case there is a common cointegrating vector in all countries it will be strongly rejected. Coondoo and Dinda (2002) carried out an analysis for Granger Causality between CO2 emissions and income in various individual countries and regions. In general model that emerges is that causality runs from income to emissions or that there is no significant relationship in developing countries, while in developed countries causality runs from emissions to income. Still, in every case the relationship is positive so that there is no EKC type effect. Data and Time Series Properties To study the relationship between the GDP of Mauritius and the C02 emission in Mauritius the annual data that are being used are; total C02 emission from 1976 to 2008, the real GDP from 1976 to 2008, and the population of Mauritius from 1976 to 2008. From these sets of data it can be clearly seen that while population and C02 emission has been increasing, during these years the real GDP has been fluctuating a bit. In mid 1970s after the independence there has been a lot of development and transformation in our country. Our economy was diversified and more jobs were created. Furthermore we received more foreign aid. By the late 1970s our economy deteriorated a bit mainly due to the increase in petroleum price in the world market and this lead to less government subsidies and devaluation of our Mauritian Rupees. Then by late 1980s the economy experience steady growth and also a high level of employment, declining inflation and more domestic savings. This period was also marked by the boom in the sugar industry. Though the development slowed down in the 1990s there was a gradual development of the local financial institutions and at the same time our domestic information telecommunication industry boomed. By the start of the 21st ce ntury there our financial services sector became a very important pillar of the economy with an increasing number of offshore enterprises. Finally our economy developed a lot due to the seafood processing and export during the last 10 years.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Impact of Teaching on Students Essay -- English Writing Teacher St

A number of people whom I have heard recount their former school days with an overall sense of calm or detachment have been moved to more intensity when speaking of their experiences with writing. Their stories either enthusiastically celebrate the encouragement and praise offered by teachers who facilitated their self-confidence and pride, or are miserable tales that depict feelings of humiliation, disappointment and failure. A closer look at these two extremes is imperative as we consider teaching writing and the impact of that teaching on the students. While listening to recollections of English classes, I have found that it is not unusual for the stories of a single individual to weigh as heavily in one direction as the other. One of the reasons I feel strongly about this issue is that it mirrors my own experiences as a returning student. Like the others with whom I’ve spoken, I have been applauded by some teachers and judged harshly by others. Comments on my papers have ranged from, â€Å"An outstanding essay. I enjoyed reading it immensely,† and â€Å"This is one of the best papers I’ve gotten in years. I shared it with a colleague of mine,† to â€Å"Who ever taught you how to write?† and â€Å"What? What? Cut, cut, cut. So wordy. Not more backfill!† A simple explanation might be that disparaging comments were directed at early writing and praise at later work, but that is not the case. What then can be the reason? Inconsistent work, of course, or perhaps the incongruity can be explained by the subjectivity inherent in the judgment of writing, particularly when contrasted with a more systematic assessment tool like multiple choice tests (there is subjectivity even in these, as regards wording and interpretation of the questions, but that is ... ...ucating Other People’s Children.† Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. Elbow, Peter. Writing Without Teachers. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. Emig, Janet. â€Å"Writing as a Mode of Learning.† Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. Murray, Donald M. â€Å"Writing as Process: How Writing Finds Its Own Meaning.† Learning By Teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1982. 17-31. Originally published in Timothy R. Donovan and Ben W. McClelland, eds. Eight Approaches to Teaching Writing. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1980. Perl, Sondra. â€Å"Understanding Composing.† College Composition and Communications 31 (1980): 363-369. Reprinted in Gary Tate, Edward P. J. Corbett and Nancy Myers, eds. The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook, 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 149-154. The Impact of Teaching on Students Essay -- English Writing Teacher St A number of people whom I have heard recount their former school days with an overall sense of calm or detachment have been moved to more intensity when speaking of their experiences with writing. Their stories either enthusiastically celebrate the encouragement and praise offered by teachers who facilitated their self-confidence and pride, or are miserable tales that depict feelings of humiliation, disappointment and failure. A closer look at these two extremes is imperative as we consider teaching writing and the impact of that teaching on the students. While listening to recollections of English classes, I have found that it is not unusual for the stories of a single individual to weigh as heavily in one direction as the other. One of the reasons I feel strongly about this issue is that it mirrors my own experiences as a returning student. Like the others with whom I’ve spoken, I have been applauded by some teachers and judged harshly by others. Comments on my papers have ranged from, â€Å"An outstanding essay. I enjoyed reading it immensely,† and â€Å"This is one of the best papers I’ve gotten in years. I shared it with a colleague of mine,† to â€Å"Who ever taught you how to write?† and â€Å"What? What? Cut, cut, cut. So wordy. Not more backfill!† A simple explanation might be that disparaging comments were directed at early writing and praise at later work, but that is not the case. What then can be the reason? Inconsistent work, of course, or perhaps the incongruity can be explained by the subjectivity inherent in the judgment of writing, particularly when contrasted with a more systematic assessment tool like multiple choice tests (there is subjectivity even in these, as regards wording and interpretation of the questions, but that is ... ...ucating Other People’s Children.† Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. Elbow, Peter. Writing Without Teachers. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. Emig, Janet. â€Å"Writing as a Mode of Learning.† Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. Murray, Donald M. â€Å"Writing as Process: How Writing Finds Its Own Meaning.† Learning By Teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1982. 17-31. Originally published in Timothy R. Donovan and Ben W. McClelland, eds. Eight Approaches to Teaching Writing. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1980. Perl, Sondra. â€Å"Understanding Composing.† College Composition and Communications 31 (1980): 363-369. Reprinted in Gary Tate, Edward P. J. Corbett and Nancy Myers, eds. The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook, 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 149-154.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bucket List Essay

Mc. Darell L. Janoras REFLICTION PAPER (BUCKET LIST) This movie is about two old men whom are medically ill and are given a few months to live. This movie can make you cry a little laugh a lot and realize tons of things. In the beginning of this movie, Edward, portrayed by jack Nicholson, is just a rich guy whom just feel happiness just thru money, he believed that having so much money can make you happy, he is just a happy go lucky man even thou he know he was sick, until he met Carter, portrayed by Morgan Freeman. in a cancer ward owned by him.Days have gone by and both of them go thru medical practices and then they both received the news that they are given a few months to live. Carter is a very intelligent man, whom once dreamed big but gave up his dreams because of financial problems, but as he grew old, he worked hard so that his kids won’t suffer what he went through and succeeded in it because he was able to make his children professionals. Edward and Carter stayed in the same room in the cancer ward, they soon became friends, and after receiving the bad news, Edward started to make a bucket list.A bucket list is a list of activities that you would want to fulfil before you die, those activities are set to make you happy and contented with your life, and so they broke out of the hospital and performed the activities in the bucket list. At first carter is not sure about doing it but then Edward pushed him into it. They had so much fun, added new activities and removed some in the process. Until one day Edward told carter the story of him and his daughter. Carter felt the urge to help his friend.Once when they were in Egypt carter asked Edward, have you found joy in your life and have you given joy to others life, and then Edward gave a vague answer. That was then carter realized that Edward wasn’t really happy with his life. When they went home to America, carter told Thomas, thou his real name was matthew Edward wants to call him that way , that he wants to bring Edward and his daughter together because carter believes that his friend will only find his true happiness when his daughter accepted him as her father.And so Edward got mad at carter for batting in with his life. Soon after carter got ill and was sent to the hospital, Edward heard the news and spring towards the whereabouts of carter, when Edward reached the hospital carter’s wife gave him a letter. The letter said that he was sorry for batting in Edwards life, and that carter already accepted that he is going to die. He also said in the letter that instead of crying, he wants Edward to go to his daughter and make up to his bad decisions that led them into those situations, and so he did.Soon after Edward realized that carter was right. No one can truly be happy when he or she is alone, you can only feel true happiness when you feel you are loved specially by your loved ones. In the end it turns out that carter saved edward’s life. He saved hi m in the arms of dying in vain and in sadness. Soon after Edward died too, but he did not die in vain he died happy because in his final months in this world he was able to get his happiness and was able to bring joy to others. And with that the movie ended.Soon after I asked myself the same 2 questions carter asked Edward. Have I found joy in life? And have I given joy to others life? That is when I started to realize that I should get started pursuing my happiness and that I should pursue mine first before giving happiness to others. I used the word pursue because as I’ve seen in the movie, happiness is something that you work for, it is not given to you in a silver platter but you have to work for it in order to enjoy it. And after watching that movie I can say that I have learned a lot in it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Alcohol Essay

His advice to teens is to not rink at all and stand up to peer pressure. The advice he gives to his children is to Stay clear Of alcohol and if you are brought into a situation involving alcohol excuse yourself from the party or wherever that may be. He explained that even if you aren't drinking and are in an environment with alcohol that new laws in Pennsylvania claim you are still in the possession of alcohol and you can get charged for that. He touched on the fact that it's becoming socially acceptable by some parents to allow their kids to drink in a controlled environment.He is completely against this because you run the risk of them tenting behind the wheel and putting their lives at risk. I think many people need to be aware of Officer Myers view on substance abuse amongst teens. Especially the fact that you can still get charged with underage drinking, if you are in the presence of alcohol at a party, even if you aren't the one drinking it. I'm against this law because I thin k it discourages the idea of designated drivers but do believe people need to be aware of it. The first adult I interviewed had a very strong opinion on substance abuse among adolescents.She stated that people have a genetic predetermined gene that makes them have an addictive personality. If kids start experimenting with alcohol and drugs too early she believes that they will most likely become abusers by adulthood. She stated, â€Å"It runs in families, for example, several men in my family are alcoholics who personally turned me off from drinking. Also, my older brother was a heavy drinker and my niece has had years of alcohol and drug abuse. It eventually got to the point that she lost custody of her 5 children and was put in jail for stealing money to support her habit. Having grown up with an alcoholic grandfather, she explained that watching the negative effects that alcohol had on her family add her feel in a way that she didn't think alcohol was something she needed. She w as extremely curious as to how kids today even obtain alcohol, who gives them the money, and so on. She also thinks it's outrageous that some parents accept drinking among their teens or even allow them to do it at home. She added, â€Å"l have friends that who let their underage kids drink at home and they said it was to teach them to learn to drink responsibly.However, I think that could increase their chances of addiction and should not be tolerated. † I definitely can relate to this persons perspective on alcohol abuse among adolescents. Coming from a family that has had alcohol and drug problems, I completely understand her viewpoint and why she feels that its not only is it unnecessary for her to drink, but that underage drinking should not be tolerated. However, as I do believe that some people may be more prone to becoming an addict I do disagree with her statement about people being born addicts.The second adult I interviewed absolutely had a different view on drinki ng and alcohol abuse among adolescents. She started off by saying â€Å"The way the laws are today, teens cannot drink beer like did when was a teen. Now they rink hard liquor and they can't handle it. It's also so forbidden that it almost makes it attractive. † She continued by saying that drinking vodka as your first experience is a gateway into trying the next bigger thing which could be smoking weed, than taking pills, and then getting into harder drugs and major alcohol and substance abuse problems.She believes the laws have helped with Dud's but not with changing the drinking and substance abuse amongst teens. Experimenting with alcohol, she stated, is something that teens have always done and that is something she doesn't think any law or program loud change and convince teenagers not to drink. She also added, â€Å"l feel it's always going to take something tragic to happen to make somebody say they won't ever drink again. Also feel people are born addicts. I had a f riend in high school who drank beer in his house alone every night and when used to ask him why he did that he said it was because he liked the way it made him feel. That teen ended up becoming an alcoholic. She strongly felt that she there wasn't anything someone could do about it. Starting a habit that young as a teen wreaked havoc on his early adult life. When asked about her experiences with drinking she stated that, â€Å"l personally could never drink again in my life and it wouldn't bother me. I think people are the way they are. † She explained this is why it's hard for her to relate to teens that have us absence issues because she wonders why they can't just stop doing what they are doing.Something I strongly agree with that this second adult stated was that sometimes it takes something tragic to happen for a teen or even an adult to say that they will never drink again. Although this is clearly not the ideal situation I do think that this happens a lot and that some times kids are hard o convince otherwise. Also agree that bad habits of substance abuse as a teen can lead to a troubled adulthood. I also agree with her view on something that seems like a spiral affect. If you start drinking vodka as a young teen, you may keep experimenting with worse things that could have serious negative effects.The teens interviewed had very interesting views on substance abuse amongst adolescents. The first teen started off by saying, â€Å"l think it's ridiculous that the drinking age is 21 to prevent brain damage, injuries, and addiction when an 18 year old can legally buy cigarettes and smoke as many packs a day as they want. Teens can risk their lives fighting for a country in a war but can't have a beer. † His reasoning was that he understands that experimenting with alcohol can be very dangerous can kill you if you drink too much, especially as a teen, but he feels that he is mature enough to drink responsibly.His parents were raised in a house w here they were able to drink wine with dinner; this made drinking seem like less of a deal. To him, drinking in a controlled environment can benefit kids and stop them from binge drinking. He also stated that drinking in a controlled environment can decreases a child's chance of addiction. The zero tolerance by the police for alcohol abuse by teens does not work. They should instead try to teach teens how to drink responsibly,† he stated. His parents rule is that if he comes home too intoxicated then he will be grounded for a month but they understand that he Will be experimenting with alcohol.While they do not encourage it, they are understanding and want him to know that he can call them if him or any Of his friends are in danger and need help. He added, â€Å"l think that's the best way to be because don't have to sneak around and can have an honest relationship with my parents. † I thought that my friend's viewpoint on the fact that if an 18 year old is fighting for our country, risking his life, and can legally buy cigarettes that he should be able to drink a beer was very interesting.It's something that don't hear about a lot and is a bit controversial because it seems like fighting in a war and smoking can be much more harmful to one's health. I agree that the zero tolerance policy by the police with underage drinking does not work in most cases because don't think teens are ever going to stop drinking. Although I'm not sure that his family's rules on him drinking are the best, it's interesting how beneficial they seem to him. â€Å"l think drinking is really fun and that's why teenagers do it.Kids who binge drink and throw up are disgusting but they will learn from their mistakes,† is what the second friend interviewed had to say. Similarly to what my first friend said, my second friend said that although some adults are in denial of this, no alcohol class, citation, or program could make him stop drinking. Alcohol use amongst teens is completely normal to him but what he is against is getting behind the wheel after you have been drinking or getting in the car tit someone who has been drinking.He stated that if adults want to help teens maybe they should educate them about how different types of alcohol affection differently so teens are aware of alcohol poisoning and how easy it could happen to someone. He added, â€Å"l think the kids who drink the most and do drugs have family problems or other deep rooted issues. Most teenagers just want to have a good time on the weekend and get away from the stress of school, sports, Stats, college applications etc. † In conclusion, he stated that these types of kids who drink to have a good time are different hat kids who abuse drugs and alcohol and that those kids have way bigger problems.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Green Party essays

The Green Party essays The Green Party, originally called the Association of State Green Parties, was formed after the 1996 elections. The initial goal was to help existing state parties grow and to encourage the formation of parties in all states. Helping existing state parties is still the primary goal. The Green Party is also devoting a lot of attention to becoming a part of national politics while continuing to help parties at the state and local level. Members of the Green Party are working class activists, environmentalists, and advocates for social justice. Green Party growth has been rapid since the founding in 1996 and Green Party candidates are winning elections throughout the United States. Membership in the State party has more than doubled since the founding. In the 2000 Presidential Nominating Convention in Denver, CO they nominated Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke for President. The Green Party 2002 Midterm Convention was held in Philadelphia, PA featuring Medea Benjamin, Ralph Nader and Cheri Honkala. The 2002 meeting helped more than 550 Green Party candidates in the 2002 campaign. The Green Party of the United States is a confederation of state Green Parties. They are committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice, and working class organizations. The Greens are making their democracy without the support of businesses also. The Green Party is recognized by the Federal Election Commission as the Green Party National Committee. The Greens are also partners with the European Federation of Green Parties and the Federation of Green Parties of the Americas. The Green Party had a successful Nov. 5th election and elected more Greens in 2002 than any previous year. With some results still coming in, they have elected at least 69 people this year and have 172 members holding office. The Green Party elected, for the first time, people from Texas and North Carolina. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Theodicy and the Free Will Defense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theodicy and the Free Will Defense - Essay Example This paper deems to tackle the concepts revolving around theodicy and free will; this also aims to know whether the free will defense meet all the three criteria for an effective theodicy. Free Will Human free will and freely chosen good actions are of high value, even though free will opens up the possibility of evil (Pinnock 5). Furthermore, as guided by the definition of freedom, free will or free act is an act that is not determined casually in any way by one’s genetic makeup, by one’s environment or even by God (Pinnock 5). Likewise, every free person is possibly sinful and free to choose evil; thus, given the independence of human freedom from divine control, it is obviously impossible for God to guarantee that individuals will always freely choose to do what is morally noble (Pinnock 5). In simple terms, Pinnock implied that free will is considered as a key justification to evil (4). Individuals deem that they have free will if they view themselves as agents capa ble of influencing the world in a variety of ways (Kane 5). Moreover, persons feel that it is up to them what they will choose and how they will act and this means they could have chosen and acted otherwise (Kane 5). Furthermore, Kane suggests that the basis of the actions of individuals exercising free will lie in themselves and not outside them which is something that could be beyond their control (5). The Biopic Teleological Argument Edwards inquired about how a powerful transcendent Creator can be a Benevolent Super-intellect when evil is evident in the world (299). Edwards then emphasized that no single, magic bullet neatly solves the problem of theodicy for if there is an available solution, it usually results from cumulative weight of many considerations; hence, the success or failure of theodicy is a matter of fallible and variable judgment (299). Massive evil in the world is indeed the greatest obstacle of all to have faith and believe that a good God created the universe f or benevolent purposes (Edwards 299). Without theodicy, individuals would deprive God of devotion instead contempt might linger in their mind and hearts (Edwards 299). The Free Will Defense amidst the Criteria of Theodicy The Free Will Defense by Alvin Plantinga denotes that much of the evil most notably the moral evil that exist in the world is a consequence of God’s endowing humans with significant moral freedom (Nash 199). In lieu of the first criteria of effective theodicy, the premise handled only human-caused suffering satisfactorily in the sense that it rationalizes why one experiences such. Such outcome is based on the fact that a free and responsible choice originates with the intelligent moral agent who makes it (Edwards 299). Thus, being responsible for a choice and its consequences such as suffering means picking that option or choice knowingly (Edwards 299). As what Edwards (299) highlighted that moral agents are responsible only for the decisions they made that originated from them, other than that, they may not be held accountable (Edwards 299). The second criteria of an effective theodicy was tackled by the Free Will Defense, in such a way that this approach stressed that God allows moral evil in order to bring about the greater good of allowing his creation to encompass significantly free moral agents, without whom there could be no moral good (Nash 199). Though pain and suffering may be experience due to the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

U03a1 Project Current Environment Analysis Essay

U03a1 Project Current Environment Analysis - Essay Example Various tools are used in strategic management planning process including SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Scenario Planning, Competitive Analysis, and Chain Analysis. Firstly, it would be better to deploy SWOT analysis method to analyze the health care organization’s current environment. The organization has long years’ working experience and it seems to be the most potential competitive advantage of the BAMC (Murgo, Westerhof, Giolma, and Altobelli). This health care organization started its operations in 1879 as a small medical dispensary. Presently, it is the only Level I trauma center in the MEDCOM. Under BRAC 2005, the BAMC has decided to expand its inpatient services with intent to improve the health care quality. In addition, the organization offers nuclear medicine service, PET/CT, SPECT/CT, and molecular imaging and other therapy services; these distinctive services add to the BAMC’s potential strengths. In the opinion of Treasure, Rainer, and Sadler, medi cal readiness and training weaknesses are the most obvious limitations of the Brooke Army Medical Center. Since the medical readiness and training are the crucial elements in determining the degree of efficacy of a health care organization, those issues may adversely affect the growth of BAMC. The BAMC began the construction of its Consolidated Tower (CoTo) in 2009; this facility would meet the infrastructure requirements of administrative department, outpatient pediatric clinic, SICU, CCU, expanded Emergency and Trauma department, psychiatric nursing units, and USAISR Burn Unit (â€Å"US Army†). Hence, this addition would be a potential opportunity for the BAMC to get closer to its expansional objectives. However, it seems that staffing shortage especially; nurse shortage has been challenging the long term sustainability of the organization. Currently, the US president Barack Obama is planning

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Connection Between Substance Abuse and Crime Research Paper

Connection Between Substance Abuse and Crime - Research Paper Example Most importantly, however, is the fact that; when the net is cast widely, then it will trap everybody since if it is not addicted to alcohol and drug abuse, then, it is the resultant violence and crime associated with alcohol and substances abuse. Therefore, the interest in analyzing the subject of Substance Abuse, Alcohol, and Crime is derived from the fact that it is a social problem that has refused to go away for the longest time. Further, the need to study this subject emanates from the fact that it is a problem for all, and since everybody is affected by this subject, it important to engage it widely, since the existing laws and policy regulation framework does not seem to be effective in addressing the problem, creating a need to engage alternative means of addressing the problem. However, while substance abuse, alcohol, and crime is a serious menace for the nation, the specific area where the issue needs to be addressed is in the issue of alcohol and substance use by teens and young people, which results to juvenile crimes, while also affecting every aspect of their lives, such as their personal health, education, safety and security, relationships and addition (Musto, 1999). Nevertheless, the major risk is the connection that exists between alcohol or substance abuse and crime. The legal risks emanating from alcohol consumption and substance abuse by young people is high, and the chances of destroying the whole life ahead of the young people are high. The legal and policy framework in relation to the subject of substance abuse, alcohol, and crime is not favorable for deterring the access of alcohol and substances, and their consequent illegal use. The legal and regulatory framework has illegalized the possession, production, and distribution of drugs and sub stances, while the actual problem is not licensing, but the fact that such drugs and substances are available and accessible for use (NCADD, 2013).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The communication method (or channel) that you select should depend on your message Essay Example for Free

The communication method (or channel) that you select should depend on your message Essay Interactive or static should your communication be one-way or two-way? Interactive means a back-and-forth conversation; static means delivery of a message. What does your message require? Brainstorming and questioning require interactivity. Updates can be static. ï‚ · Personal or impersonal Personal means face-to-face, or on the phone. Impersonal communication is in writing. Does your communication require you to hear or see your customers or colleagues? Are you trying to build relationships? Will the tone of voice be important for this particular message? Are the ideas potentially confusing? Put some thought into whether your presence is a vital component of your message. 1. Assess what kind of audience you are communicating with. Keeping in mind all of the differences among specific audience and the various manners in which they perceive your messages – you must realize that the use of all communication channels is not desirable at all times. For example, when speaking to a CEO, provide him with relevant and short information. When speaking to employees with the lower status, feel free to explain what you have to say in more detail. When you need to be convincing, try to communicate personally. 2. Assess the real value of the message you want to communicate. You should never overload your audience with information of little relevance that seems important only to you because you will lose their support and they will start perceiving you as a nuisance who rarely has something important to say. By avoiding this rule you risk becoming irrelevant. 3. Check the cost level you can bear when selecting communication channels. You should be aware that indirect communication, for instance, becoming involved in various events or charity activities, requires the greatest investment. On the other hand, established interpersonal communication channels are much less expensive. 4. Assess whether your choice of a ​​communication channel is justified. For instance, why should employees in your organization learn new standards of operations through mass media? On the other hand, it is more worthwhile to plan certain stories in a targeted and controlled manner with journalists than to â€Å"drag† them through all media. 5. Assess the long-term sustainability of selected communication channels. It is not the same if you establish a successful long-term manner of communication that is recognized by the target audience and the one that receives positive feedback from the public or if we constantly communicate in the manner that you receive feedback from two people or one medium. Do not forget that in this manner you are developing your long-term public relations! When all of the stated factors are taken into consideration, you will easily arrive to conclusion that different audience responds to your message in different ways so they always must be considered separately and, often, communicated to differently and through differing channels and tools. Message customized for the audience The title of this section probably best summarizes the wisdom of selecting a right communication channel – communication must be conducted differently with various audiences. It is good to note that communication and PR activities should not be directed to the ‘general public’. They are aimed at carefully selected groups of people who are subdivisions of the vast general public – for example, stakeholders, shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, distributors, opinion makers, trade unions, institution representatives, Government members, media and many others. In terms of good communication with your key audience, it is preferable to become more â€Å"discriminating† towards your selection of desired audience. That means that communicating certain kinds of message only to selected audience is less wasteful and more successful. For the above-mentioned reasons, the usual methods of communication must be more and more adapted, which requires a greater use of tactics. Why? Simply because it is becoming increasingly challenging to transfer the message to specific section of the public from which we have concrete benefits and which can benefit from us. Everything else can be considered as a loss of our precious time.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Exploring Swot Analysis And Competitive Advantage Strategic Management Business Essay

Exploring Swot Analysis And Competitive Advantage Strategic Management Business Essay The study by Helms and Nixon (2010) identifies that SWOT analysis has grown as a key tool for addressing complex strategic situations by reducing the quantity of information to improve decision making. SWOT is short form of four words which is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It can simply understand as the examination of an organizations internal strengths and weaknesses, and its external environment which is opportunities and threat that provides the foundation for realization of the desired alignment of organization variables or issues. Therefore, an understanding of all external and internal factors is assists in forming a vision of the future. According to Helms and Nixon (2010), SWOT is a general tool designed to be used in the beginning stages of decision making and as a precursor to strategic planning in various kinds of applications. In summarized, a person is allowed to do something in condition he or she is known strengths and weaknesses and understand the opportunities and threats his or her has currently. In addition, all organizations are hope to gaining competitive advantage. It can be gain through offering consumers greater value, either by providing lower prices or by providing greater benefits or services that justifies higher prices. The aim of much of business strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage that could increase the business profitability and brand image. SWOT ANALYSIS A SWOT analysis was systematically applied at a national level when preparing the afore-mentioned long-term strategy. However, it is clear that only the quality performance of a SWOT analysis will form a suitable strategic structure. Therefore, the organization environment will much influence organization performance now and in the future. The detail of SWOT analysis is explained in following sections. Internal Environment Internal environment are an internal factors within an organization in many areas such as management, staff, finance, research and development, operational efficiency and capacity, technical frameworks, culture, and organizational structure. Internal environment consists of strengths and weaknesses in organization, those viewed as a result of factors and variables that can be controlled within organizations. Strengths Strengths are represents the organizations internal power and strong points of view that an organization possess to compete against its competitors. It also can be view as organizational capabilities and internal positive attitudes that enable organizations possess strategic power to achieve organizational goals. It also can define as skills and abilities that enable organizations set out and implement their strategies in order to do better than their competitors. Weaknesses Weaknesses are represents the organizations negative impact of product and service value with regards to customers or competitive environment. It also can define as shortages in internal capabilities that make organizations unable to achieve their goals or lose their competitive advantage. This may allow their competitors to do better than the organization performance. Thus, it should be determine and acknowledge earlier in order bitter reality without procrastination. External Environment External environment is contains all changes that take places outsides the organizations boundary such as customers, suppliers, economic, political, cultural, and technological changes. External environment consists of opportunities and threats of an organization. Opportunities Opportunities are defined as a set of conditions suitable for achieving goals at the right time. Rousan and Qawasmeh (2009) states that opportunities can be divided into three types those are added, supplementary, and explosive. Added opportunity is using the available resources to expand their benefits, so the revenues in this category are limited. Then, supplementary opportunity is where the organizations have to acquire new knowledge. Where explosive opportunity requires organizations to invest capital in RD to make large changes in organization standards and attributes. Threats Threats can define as a challenge caused by a negative attitude inconsistent with the organization common norms. Besides, it also can be viewed as any improper event of force in the external environment that causes harm to the organizations strategy. In addition, threats are a set of conditions, resources and capabilities that organizations need to pressured, but cannot influence or control over it, means which is out of our control. Why Use SWOT Analysis? SWOT analysis is use to develop a plan or find a solution for an organizations problem. This is because that takes consideration in many different internal and external factors which is maximizes the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats of an organization. When to Use SWOT Analysis? SWOT Analysis is uses when needs to developing a strategic plan or finding a solution to a problem. These tasks are performed by managers, designers or by the entire project team. Teamwork is particularly effective in providing structure, objectivity, clarity and tends to focus further discussions about strategy that might otherwise tend to wander. SWOT Analysis Usage SWOT analysis has been used by countless practitioners, marketing researchers, and is a familiar and popular tool for business marketing and strategy areas. This tool is used to assess alternatives and complex decision situations. It can be constructed quickly and can benefit from multiple viewpoints as a brainstorming exercise. There are three steps to use the SWOT analysis which is firstly analyses the internal factors and then analyses the external factors, and finally create a worksheet. First and foremost, internal analysis is examine the capabilities of an organizations strengths and weaknesses. The planner might list down ideas from projects that both successful and unsuccessful completely in the top row of the SWOT grid. Second step is external analysis known as environmental analysis Here have to analyses the opportunities and threats or obstacles to organizations performance that place at the bottom row of the SWOT grid. This has to carefully examine the market in which you intend to launch the product and analyze what the status of the competition. In addition, there have to make a worksheet by creating four quadrants which one each is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as shown on table 1.1. This allows planners better understand how strengths can be leveraged to realize new opportunities and understand how weaknesses can slow progress or magnify organizational threats. Then list specific items into the column correctly. But each column is limit to ten or fewer points per heading to avoid over generalizations. If there are more items are thought of, and then have to prioritize them so that only 10 top items for each category. Table 1.1 Quadrants for SWOT Analysis Positive Negative Internal Strengths 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 External Opportunities 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Source: Adopted from Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, 2nd ed. (2006) Finally, the person has to know whether the strengths owned enable to take advantages from the opportunities. Besides, whether the strengths owned is able to overcome the threats that have been identified. Moreover, here also can overcome the identified threat by minimize the weaknesses. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE The comprehensive or idea concept of competitive advantage is defined in The Free Encyclopedia of Wikipedia (2010) as a position of a company in a competitive landscape that allows the company earning return on investments higher than the cost of investments. Competitive advantage also is a theory that seeks to address some of the criticisms of comparative advantages, and it should be relevant, unique, and sustainable. Competitive advantage occurs when an organization acquire or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors. Besides, it is a gain of attributes and resources in perform at a higher level than others in the same industry or market. There are two basic types of competitive advantage which is cost advantages and differentiation advantages. Cost advantage is refer to an organization is able to deliver the same benefit as competitors but at a lower cost. However, cost and differentiation advantages are known as positional advantages since they describe the firms position in the industry as a leader in either cost or differentiation. The figure 1.1 shown the combination of the resource based and positioning views to illustrate the concept of competitive advantage. ResourcesFigure 1.1 A model of Competitive Advantage Value Creation Cost Advantage Or Differentiation Advantage Distinctive Competencies Capabilities Source: Adopted from QuickMBA.com According to figure 1.1, the firm must have resources and capabilities that are superior to those of its competitors. Without this superiority, the competitors simply could replicate what the firm was doing and any advantage quickly would disappear. Resources are use to creating a cost or differentiation advantages. The resources include patents and trademarks, proprietary know-how, installed customer base, and brand equity. Besides, the organization also has ability to utilize its resources effectively which refers to capability of the organization. Distinctive competencies are consisting resources and capabilities. Then the organization process value creating activities, the organization operate in upstream suppliers and downstream channel members. Competitive Strategy The four strategies relate to the extent to which the scope of a business activities are narrow verses broad and the extent to which a business seeks to differentiate its products. Competitive strategy consists of moves to attract customer, hold up competitive pressures, and strengthen organizations market position. It purposes are to earn a competitive advantage, cultivate clientele of loyal customers, and knock the sock off rivals, ethically and properly. For information, competitive strategy is narrower in scope than business strategy. This is because it focuses on managements plan to compete successfully. The four strategies are shown in the figure 1.2 in following. Degree of product differentiationFigure 1.2 Five Generic Competitive Strategies High Differentiation Focus Differentiation Best-Cost Provide Cost Focus Cost Leadership Low Broad Narrow Scope of Business Activities Source: Adopted from tutor2u.net According to figure 1.2, low cost leadership striving to be the overall low-cost provider in industry. Besides, broad differentiation is striving to build customer loyalty by differentiating ones product offerings from rivals products. Low cost focus has to concentrating on a narrow buyer segment, out-competing rival on basic of lower costs. In addition, high differentiation is offering niche members a product or service customized to their needs. Some more, best cost provider strategy is striving to give customers more value for the money by combining an emphasis on low cost with an emphasis on upscale differentiation. Competitive Dimensions The organizations are care about the customers needs and wants. Therefore, the organizations apply the competitive dimensions which are transformed such needs and wants into targeted areas. These competitive advantages are consisting of four factors which are cost, quality, time, and flexibility as defines as following. Cost Organization must make some kind of compromise between the cost and the characteristics of their products and services. Basically, most of organization will choose to control the cost of material and employee compensation rates attempt to achieve higher levels of productivity. Quality Quality can be achieved by adding unique attributes to products to enhance their competitive attractiveness so as to benefit customers in the final stage. Quality can be achieves in two ways which is quality of design and quality of conformity such capability of organization to transform inputs to conformable outputs. Time Time is the most important factor to compete among each others. For example, delivery time can be a source of competitive advantages. This can be achieving through reducing the period f time between receiving and accepting customer orders and then delivers products or services to customers. Otherwise, the time period between product ideas generation till achieving the final design or production is consider as important factor. Flexibility Flexibility is defines as the ability of the processes to switch from one product to another or from one customer to another at least time and lowest cost or impact. Besides, flexibility also can view as the ability to adapt the production capacity to changes in the market demands. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SWOT ANALYSIS AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE It is not intelligent to think that using organizational strengths to build a competitive advantage does not require through external environment analysis. The fact is whether an organization is strong or weak is a relative measure with comparison to its external environment. It is widely proven that organizations can achieve a competitive advantage by relying on organizational strengths and interacting with the strategic choice so as to make use of opportunities and avoid threats or override weakness or both. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Strategy management is the process of specifying an organizations objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources to implement the plans. It is the highest level of managerial activity, usually performed by the companys top management as well as executive team. It provides overall direction to the whole organization. An organizations strategy must be appropriate for its resources, circumstances, and objectives. The objective of an overall corporate strategy is to carry out its mission effectively and efficiently. A good corporate strategy should integrate an organizations goals, policies, and action sequences or tactics into cohesive whole. Strategic planning was first brought into practice in the private sector in 1960-1970, followed by the public sector some 10-20 years later. According to Diskiene, Galiniene, and Marcinskas (2008), Strategic planning gives quite a clear description of the use of the SWOT strategy analysis tools. There are also involved several reasons of strategic plans fail where discuss in problem statement section. PROBLEM STATEMENT SWOT analysis usually reflect a persons existing position and view point, which can misused to justify a previously decided course of action rather then used as a means to open up new possibilities. It is significant to mention that sometimes threat can also be view as opportunities, depending on the people or groups involved. Finding from Helms and Nixon (2010) clearly indicate that an optimist is one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty. Adversely, a pessimist is one who sees difficulty in every opportunity. SWOTs can allow companies to take lazy course and took for fit rather than to stretch, they look for strengths that opportunities yet ignore the opportunities they do not feel they can use to their advantage. A more active approach would be to involve identifying the most attractive opportunities and then plan to stretch the company to meet these opportunities. This would make strategy a challenge to the organization rather than a fit between its existing strength and the opportunities (Helms Nixon, 2010). Helms and Nixon (2010) points out that categorization of variables into one of the four SWOT quadrants is also challenging. This is because if the strengths that are not maintained may become weaknesses. Some more, if opportunities not taken in the right time, but adopted by competitors, may become threats. Helms and Nixon (2010) also agrees there is confusing in classifying issues such often threat to a business can be called opportunities but setback and catastrophes are real problems and cannot be classified as opportunities. So the opportunities is a favorable solution to a problem and not problem itself. Besides, criteria to assign a variable to one of the four quadrants may be more difficult to clarity if the methodology is not used for a company but for a country. While SWOT is useful to profile and enumerate issues, it does not provide actual strategies to implement to take advantages of opportunities while leveraging strengths. In short, it is no strategic direction provided. This is because SWOT is only using simple list of words or point form without clear detail may be difficult to interpret. The brief format of the SWOT tool may be an oversimplification of a business situation that is more complex. The SWOT tool does not represent the complete and entire analysis so it may lead to inaccurate results (Helms and Nixon, 2010). Helms and Nixon (2010) states that SWOT is need to use with additional tools of analysis which is combinations with other strategic tools and models in order to get more accurate results. Many researchers suggest that Porters 5-Forces Analysis is a well internal analysis which focuses on the organizations external environment. Hence, 5-Foces analysis is applied more specifically to an organizations competitive environment. According to The Free Encyclopedia of Wikipedia (2010), strategic plans fail is consists of many reasons which can refer to the organization failure to understand the customers wants and needs. Otherwise, organization inability to predict environmental reaction which what is the competitor recently doing. Besides, the organization also over-estimates the resource competence. This can be said that the organization is does not know whether the staff, equipment, and processes can handle the new strategy. In addition, the organization is failure to coordinate, failure to obtain senior management commitment, failure to obtain employee commitment and failure to follow the plain. Finally, the organization might under-estimate of time requirements. In the business arena the grouping of internal and external issues is a frequent starting point for strategic planning. This is a most important starting point for implementing the SWOT analysis. If fail to categories or indentified it, then the whole analysis becomes less accurate for organization. In fact, the organization will lose the opportunities to compete in the market with the competitors. Therefore, the planner or top management have to identified the external and internal factors which strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats carefully in order to getting accurate result. CONCLUSION RECOMANDATION