Tuesday, December 31, 2019

La Casa De Mi Padre - 845 Words

The movie â€Å"La Casa de mi Padre† takes place in Mexico and represents family values and the cost of drug rivalries. In this movie the main character (Armando Alvarez) is a â€Å"ranchero† on his fathers land and the idiot of the family. Armando lives with his father in the house of his father, as enforced in the title, and although not heavily educated and lacks the qualities of a successful man as consistently pointed of by his father finds greater purpose when his brother comes back to town. The film begins by helping the viewer identify all the main characters in the movie and there place in the film. The issues faced in the film are created when Armando s brother (Raul) and beloved and favorite son to Pedro returns to his father s ranch as a successful businessman. This is the first consequential action that begin to dictate the direction of this movie. As Raul returns he brings with him his lover and hopefully soon to be wife. Pedro quickly gives his blessing t o his son and begins planning the wedding. Accompany Rauls return to the family ranch Armando reaches the conclusion that the business that his brother has gotten himself into is the drug business. Appalled by the the idea of his brother getting involved in such evil and threatening the family name Armado addresses to Raul to confirm the accusation. Armando is enraged by his brothers stupidity and utter disregard for the pride of his family. He directs his hate and blame for his brothers poor decisions on his newShow MoreRelatedIglesia Casa De Dios Para Las Naciones, Inc.710 Words   |  3 PagesIGLESIA CASA DE DIOS PARA LAS NACIONES, INC. I. INDICE DE CONTENIDOS I. SOBRE ESTE MANUAL †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. II. CARTA A LOS VOLUNTARIOS LA VISIÓN III. LA MISIÓN IV. VALORES CREENCIAS V. VALORES FUNDAMENTALES VI. DOCTRINA VII. PRà CTICAS DEL MINISTERIO IX. SEGURIDAD Y PROTECCIÓN X. PÓLIZA Y PROCEDIMIENTOS XI. MINISTERIOS XII. FORMULARIOS Y PERMISOS IGLESIA CASA DE DIOS PARA LAS NACIONES, INC. I. SOBRE ESTE MANUAL El propà ³sito de està © es para proveerRead MorePecado de omision por Ana MarÃÆ' ­a Matute717 Words   |  3 Pages El cuento â€Å"Pecado de omisià ³n† fue escrito por Ana Marà ­a Matute como parte del movimiento de realismo social espaà ±ol. Fue incluido en el libro Historias de la Artà ¡mila, el cual fue publicado en mil novecientos sesenta y uno. Este cuento tiene dos tipos de tema. Su tema significativo trata de la injusticia de la situacià ³n de Lope y su tratamiento por don Emeterio; su tema axiomà ¡tico trata de las relaciones familiares y el tratamiento de los pobres y de los huà ©rfanos. 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INTRODUCCION En este ensayo se tendrà ¡ en cuenta la obra literaria serpiente con plumas del escritor Leonardo Rengifo. Para hacer una explicacià ³n de la misma y en la cual darà © mi opinià ³n sobre esta. Para desarrollar fue necesaria leer la obra serpiente con pumas. DE QUE TRATA CADA CAPITULO DE LA OBRA 1RA PARTE ELRead MoreThe Life1586 Words   |  7 Pageshelp you, complete their comments by choosing the correct word or words. 1. De nià ±o, Pepe tenà ­a _____ estupenda,  ¿verdad? a. pizza c. una coleccià ³n de monedas b. quinceaà ±era d. servilleta 2. Toni y Luisito pasaban mucho tiempo jugando con _____. a. el tren elà ©ctrico c. el triciclo b. el oso de peluche d. la cuerda 3. Sà ­, y tambià ©n jugaban con _____. a. el patio de recreo c. la hamburguesa b. los abuelos d. los bloques 4. Tà º siempre jugabas con _____Read MoreLa Llorona Essay1361 Words   |  6 PagesLa llorona Existen varias versiones de la leyenda de la llorona, tantas que quizà ¡ sea imposible contarlas todas. 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Maquiavelo nace el 3 de mayo de 1469, en medio del Renacimiento italiano, en la Repà ºblica de Florencia, hogar de muchos otros personajes histà ³ricosRead MoreIdioma Klingon10038 Words   |  41 PagesBien. Como expresià ³n de satisfaccià ³n. majQa Muy bien. pItlh Està ¡ hecho, està ¡ realizado, he finalizado. Qo No, me niego. wejpuH Encantador. Se usa irà ³nicamente. tlhIngan Hol Dajatlha Habla usted klingon? nuqDaq oH puchpae Dà ³nde està ¡ el baà ±o? Espero que no necesiten usar esta frase, porque para cuando logren hacerse entender, serà ¡ demasiado tarde para que les den una respuesta... bIjatlhe yImev Callate! Qapla Éxito! Como habrà ¡n visto, el uso de mayà ºsculas no es elRead MoreEssay De La Llorona1732 Words   |  7 PagesInez Frias Profesor Calleros Spanish 129 12/3/17 La Llorona Existen varias versiones de la leyenda de La Llorona, tantas que quizà ¡ sea imposible contarlas todas. Esta historia se considera no un mito, sino una leyenda. Tiene un origen basado en una persona real, pero se ha convertido en leyenda a travà ©s de los anos. Esta leyenda es una faceta importante de la cultura latina porque ha sobrevivido por cinco siglos, se a incorporado en cultura moderna, y es muy posible que se siga contando en los anosRead MoreAnn Frank Life in Hiding3184 Words   |  13 Pagesof her life from 1942 to 1944, when her family were hiding in Amsterdam from German Nazis. Cartas mundialmente famoso diario de Ana Frank, de dos aà ±os de su vida desde 1942 a 1944, cuando su familia se ocultaban en Amsterdam a partir de los nazis alemanes. The diary begins just before the family retreated into their Secret Annexe. El diario comienza justo antes de que la familia se retirà ³ a su anexo secreto. Anne Frank recorded mostly her hopes, frustrations, clashes with her p arents, and observation

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about History of Stem Cells - 1407 Words

History of Stem Cells Abstract This paper will be discussing the history of stem cells. There are many different ways to collect stem cells. Stem cells can be used for either right or wrong reasons. People can either use them to cure or to cause harm. Most people use stem cells to cure fatal illnesses. The one researcher that put stem cells out in the science world so people could understand it better was Leroy Stevens. His first encounter with stem cells was with a mouse that had a teratoma. Most people don’t understand the need for stem cells. There are many reasons why we research stem cells. Stem cells can be collected form a wide variety of places. The studies of stem cells have been around for many years. There were many†¦show more content†¦After, exposure to a large amount of the ingredients to make cigarettes, Stevens noticed that each mouse was developing a cancerous tumor, which is called a teratoma (Kelly 23). After the growth of a teratoma, the director of the laboratory, Dr. Clarence Cook Little, encouraged Stevens to continue in this line of research, including exploratory dissections (Kelly 23). Then he found that there were some cells that were normally found in the cardiac muscle and some other cells that did not belong there (Kelly 23). After, that discovery they named it strain mouse 129. Stevens found that many other mice were developing teratomas (Kelly 23). This all indicated that all these mice generated a gene that would develop teratomas. Also, most of these cells had undifferentiated and differentiated cells (Kelly 23). Ever since the research of Leroy Stevens, we have been using different methods to collect stem cells. In the beginning, after Stevens’ research, there were two groups that used different methods for gathering stem cells. One team was from Johns Hopkins Medical School, and their method for gathering stem cells was by using aborted fetuses. The second team from Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, and their method for gathering stem cells were by using the left over embryos from in vitro fertilization (Kelly 25). All the good embryos were implanted and only the inferior onesShow MoreRelatedHistory Of Dental Pulp Stem Cells3377 Words   |  14 Pagesrecent progress in stem cell and tissue engineering research. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are considered a promising population of cells in regenerative dentistry and have been shown to produce dentin/pulp-like tissues following implantation in vivo (Gronthos et al., 2000; Gronthos et al., 2002; Shi et al., 2001). Important ly, DPSCs reside in the microvasculature region of the dental pulp and interact with perivascular cells (Shi and Gronthos, 2003). Therefore, endothelial cells could be a majorRead MoreLegal Issues Regarding Stem Cell Research1666 Words   |  7 PagesStem Cell Research Legislation and Legal Issues: A stem cell can be described as the primary building block of the human body and have become important because of its ability to develop into a different cell type. Due to this ability to develop into different cell types, scientists have continued to build up ways to use stem cells to renew or repair damaged tissues or organs. As a result of such efforts, its expected that stem cell research can contribute to the discovery of new therapies forRead MoreThe For An Anonymous Donor Program985 Words   |  4 Pagesultimate solution is stem cell research. A stem cell can develop into many different types of cells and tissues, each with a specific function in the human body. Stem cells also divide and create new cells on their own. In bone marrow, for example, stem cells can break down old bone marrow, and replace it with new bone marrow. There is also a very interesting history behind stem cells. To begin, the foundation for stem cell science was first created in 1961. When stem cell science was first talkedRead MoreThe Debate Over Stem Cells1159 Words   |  5 Pagesdiabetes? These are just a few examples of the diseases that stem cells can treat. A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to mutate into many different types of cells in the body. Ever since stem cells were discovered, they have gained popularity and started to spark interest in scientists all across the world. Today there is a vigorous battle on the ethics, legalization, and experimentation of stem cells. Although stem cells are still being highly debated, they can open new doors in theRead MoreStem Cell Essay1310 Words   |  6 Pages The logical history of foundational microorganism may be explored as it has unfolded in the course of recent years; and after this, it will swing to a thought of the political history of undifferentiated organism look into. There has been a relentless pattern of researchers progressively taking in the privileged insights of stem cells and having the capacity to apply their new learning to either look into potential medications or really convey powerful medicines to people. In 2001, Bush issued anRead MoreStem Cell Research has the Potential to Alleviate Much Suffering1425 Words   |  6 Pagesthe words of former First Lady Nancy Reagan: â€Å"Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to alleviate so much suffering. Surely, by working together we can harness its life-giving potential.† Stem cell research shows so much promise to help people by treating diseases and other problems through therapy. While it seems as though the clear answer is that we should study stem cells as soon as possible, this is sadly not the case. Stem cell research is an ongoing controversy within politics and theRead MoreThe Evolution Of Stem Cell Research991 Words   |  4 PagesHISTORY: The history of stem cell research starts with the discovery of the cell in the mid 1800s (1). With this discovery, scientists soon discovered that some cells can specialize and become other cells – these cells that can specialize are called stem cells. The phrase stem cell was first used in a scientific fiction novel by German biologist Ernst Haeckel; he used the phrase to describe the fertilized egg that will eventually grow to become an organism. The next notable usage of the phrase wouldRead MoreThe Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research1710 Words   |  7 PagesEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cells, according to the National Institute of Health, are cells obtained from embryos that are prepared from fertilized eggs which have been collected through the in vitro technique; in specialized clinics. Scientists use the stem cell research to have a better idea about the evolution, aging, and disease. Thus, they keep track of the stem cells progress across the lifetime; this tracking process can help scientists to figure out the genetic mutationsRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1416 Words   |  6 PagesSTEM CELLS In this report, I mainly focused on Stem-Cells. You will read about Stem-Cells and its history from the moment this term was known. Also, you will know the Sources, properties, and the types of Stem-Cells. In addition, you will know some of the pros and cons researches about Stem-Cells. Stem-Cells are cells that have the ability to divide and multiply and renew itself. †¢ Sources of Stem-Cells: 1- The first source is Bone Marrow. 2- The second source isRead MoreStem Cell Advocacy Paper : Stem Cells1123 Words   |  5 Pages Stem Cell Advocacy Paper Introduction Stem cells are basically the building blocks of life. Some type of these cells can be engineered into any type of cell in the human body. There are three types of stem cells currently. Adult or somatic stem â€Å"cells can generate replacements for bone and muscle cells that are lost through injury, disease or normal wear and tear.† Another type of stem cells are embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells â€Å"are â€Å"starter cells† that can be coaxed into becoming any

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland Free Essays

Almost 40 years ago British troops were sent into Londonderry because of many conflicts due to the separations and discrimination of the two religions, Catholic and Protestants. British government tried to intervene by sending in their on troops as discrimination got so escaladed that Catholics would not even trust the RUC (who were mainly Protestant.) British troops were sent into Ireland because of many conflicts that originated to Henry VIII which was almost 500 hundred years ago. We will write a custom essay sample on Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland? or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon, the pope of Rome forbade it, thus making England alone and more importantly formed â€Å"The church of England.† Ireland was still Catholic and allies with Rome, England saw this as a threat so after 1610 they, seized some of Ireland and â€Å"planted† some Protestants there. England thought that Rome would want to try and evade England through Ireland so this is why they took over part of Ireland. The protestant living in Ireland were called undertakers as they had to under take all rules given by the Church of England, they had to build barns houses and be combat ready when needed. Irish Catholics were furious about the take over of Ireland so they decided to rebel, they burnt houses and barns, crops and food; they also killed thousands of protestants (2000 – 3000). This made England retaliate so they sent a Scottish army of 10,000 men into Ulster and the English army took hold of Cork and Dublin, the rebellion resulted in the whole of Ireland being taken over. When King Charles II died, James II became his successor, the problem with James II being king is that he is catholic. James promoted catholic soldiers to higher ranks and gave more benefits to Catholics, parliament became suspicious and thought he was trying to change England into a catholic state. James’s Daughter Mary married William of Orange. Making William the new king. James II went to Ireland and he knew he would get strong support from Catholics. With his army behind him, he went to take over Derry, but the apprentice boys closed the gate stopping his army from entering, the protestants suffered from starvation, disease and huge destruction because of this, but when James II was defeated by William of orange, (battle of Boyne) protestants where seen as heroes for fighting for their believes, ironically this is one of the main reasons why British troops had to be sent in again 400 hundred years later. This in many ways led to the rising of Sinn Fein who were a political group fighting for Ireland’s freedom, in the sense they were also corrupt and had the support of the IRA (Irish republican army.) The Sinn Fein, one of the leaders Michael Collins, who raised a lot of armies, actually signed the partition. Britain thought the only way to resolve Irelands conflicts would be to try and buy both Ulster and Ireland off, reluctantly accepted by both sides Ireland was once and for all separated (1920),). Possible short term effects of the British troops sent in would be the discrimination against Catholics, due to the bad blood because of plantation and the reformation and the battle of Derry. The first of many short term causes was the blatant vote rigging or Gerrymandering, which caused many Catholics to have bad or even no house at all even if there were 12 in a family, but the Protestants would get them due to the discrimination. Jobs and promotion given to a catholic was very rare, a shipyard in Wolfe had over 10,000 employees but only 400 were catholic. Possible reasons which led up to the civil war could, which ultimately led to the sending in off the British troops, are the lack of housing provided by the local council, due to the gerrymandering the council was run by protestants causing Catholics to lose houses. Prejudice rose even further when RUC or B – specialists (off duty police who were armed) treated Catholics like scum. The RUC were renown to be mainly protestants, they harassed Catholics and destroyed their property, they even let off crimes as long as it was a protestant stealing from a catholic. All these events led to the Civil rights movement, Civil rights activists tried to march to Londonderry but were stopped at Burntollet bridge, where civil rights activists were met by angry protestants. The protestants thought the civil rights were all IRA, and thought they would take matters into their own hand and brutal rioting broke out. The b specialist actually helped the rioters and the RUC did little to nothing to help the matter. Soon after the events that occurred at Burntollet bridge and the appalling display by the RUC led to the Battle of Bogside. This battle was on the day of the apprentice boys march, (mentioned above) the protestants would march and â€Å"celebrate† the honorable apprentice boys. They would sing offensive songs such as â€Å"Drive the Billy-boys back† and throw missiles at the Catholics such as rocks and coins. On august 1969 the march began, even thought many people thought it would inevitable end up in a full scale riot. The Catholics tried to barricade themselves in but the Protestants ran at the barrier full force to get at them, the RUC were actually trying to get the barrier down (supposedly trying to break up the riot but couldn’t get to them). This appalling riot caused the sending of the troops in, Catholics thought it was a godsend as they heated the RUC so much. How to cite Why were British troops sent into Northern Ireland?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Etihad Airways free essay sample

http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/194868946 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/194868946. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to see how and airline has grown so fast, as well as look into the dfferent services they may offer to increase business. Eithad Airways is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world today. Through superiour manangement as well as large investments made by the government of Abu Dhabi. Etihad Airlines is the national airline of the U. A. E. Abu Dhabi plans to invest $136 billion over the next 9 years. The research methodolgies used in this article is both qualitative as well as quanitative, as it provides us with both types of information. The main finding in this article is that Etihad Airways plans to pursue a new expansion plan this summer, which is to increase business by 18%. It plans to offer customers around 258 services a week. Etihad will try to switch flight timings to offer easier connections to travellers. Existing routes will also see a rise in the frequency of flights. Both the CEO and Chairman of Etihad Airways commented that this is an exciting time for the company. FOCUS ON: Tussle for cash-lucrative routes http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/215675836 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/215675836. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to understand what positions other airlines have in the market and then compare that to Etihad Airways, and see if it poses a serious threat to its main competitors, Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways. Etihad Airways, started expanding into markets they knew well first, in order to create a brand image amongst travellers in those markets. Etihad Airways has succeeded as it aims to satisfy its customers on the road to becoming the biggest and most profitable airline in the world. The research methodolgy used is qualitative due to the statistics provided. The main finding of this article is that Emirates Airline and Qatar Airways have a strong hold and position especially in the Middle East and North Africa region, Etihad Airways sudden growth and success poses a serious threat to their position in the mark. Other competitors in the region and around the world are also compared to Etihad Airways, showing their growth as an airline. Etihad Airways to launch Japan flights http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/469036331 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/469036331. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to show how Etihad Airways is trying to cover and enter as many markets as it can. With the addition of Japan as a market, Etihad now flies to 60 destinations. Etihad Airways has rapid expansion plans in mind, and with the increase in flight frequency, it is determined to make a profit and compete with Emirates Airline and Qatar Airways for a higher market share and if possible, market dominance. The research methodology is qualitative as well as quantitaive. Qualitative as it discusses the new services and alliances with Japan and its national carrier. Quantitative as is shows us the percentage of increase in flight frequency. The main finding of the article is that Etihad Airways is focusing on entering far-eastern markets. It has just expanded its operations by announcing flights to Japan. Etihad announced a code share service with Japans national carrier ANA. This will allow Etihad passengers to avail the service of connecting flights to major cities in Japan. Etihad has also made similar deals with Alitalia in Italy. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES : Eithad Airways along with Armaguard form a new company for cargo http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/866078516 Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. 2013. Electronic resources access log-in | University of Wollongong Library. [ONLINE] Available at: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au/docview/866078516. [Accessed 28 October 2013]. The focal purpose of this article is to show how Etihad Airways plans to diversify within the aviation industry from passenger planes to dealing with valuable cargo. Etihad has established a new company in collaboration with Armaguard, which has become a leader in cash logisitcs, currency management as well as precious cargo markets. The research methodology is qualitative as it shows us Etihads expansion plans. The main finding of the article is that Etihad Airways has chosen to diversify into the market of precious cargo but creating a new company,ACM, in partnership with Armaguard. This is a great opportunity for them to expand their growing global air freight business. Armaguard has stated that it is excited about their expansion into the U. A. E and hope to meet its growth strategies over the next 3-5 years. Commentary Etihad Airways was established by a royal decree in 2003, to become the national airline of the United Arab Emirates. It is funded by the government of Abu Dhabi and in only 10 years of operation it has been awarded the best airline in the world three times. The primary focus would be the future of Etihad Airways as a market leader in commercial aviation. It is extremely focused on making sure that its growth strategis are customer focused and in line with their corporate objectives. It has seen rapid expansion, it has entered many markets around the world. Etihad carried out extensive market research across desired markets to make sure that their decisions are customer oriented. Growth is what every organistation wants, but controlling the pace of the growth is very important. Etihad is not only growing within, it is also diversifying into precious cargo logistics. The articles were mainly focused on Etihad Airways growth and expansion into the global market rather than insight into the company. All articles express Etihads unbelievable growth and expansion plans. Etihad also stated that to survive in this industry today, you need to put your customers needs infront as they will eventually dictate how they operate and the company will need to find innovate ways to satisfy their needs. If one wants to research more, they can search for various articles on the website as well as www. etihadairways. com. Appendix 1 Etihad Airways, the worlds fastest growing airline, is to increase its flying program this summer by 18 % Through its expansion plans, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates plans to launch several new routes. As of March 2007, non-stop flights will be taking off to Sydney Australia from the carriers Abu Dhabi base, and in August, 2007, Etihad Airways will also be launching direct flights to the Irish capital Dublin In September the airline carrier will also launch new flights to Milans Malpensa airport, and these are only a few of airlines expansion plans. Bringing its capacity up to a total of 258 services a week this summer, Etihad Airways will be launching 40 additional weekly flights from Abu Dhabi to the Indian Sub Continent, 6 extra flights to the GCC and Middle East regions, 15 extra flights to Europe, and 8 extra flights to the Far East and Africa. To accommodate to this increase in activity, Etihad airways will be adding 4 new three class Airbus A330 jets, 2 new three class Airbus A340-600 aircraft, and 6 new wide bodied long haul jets to its existing fleet. Commenting on these new plans, Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saif Al Nayhan, Chairman of Etihad Airways said: These are exciting times for both Etihad and Abu Dhabi. No long haul airline has grown as quickly from conception as we have . The airline has made great strides in just over three years, and were not going to stop here. We have more aircraft deliveries later this year and were actively pursuing opportunities in the winter from Abu Dhabi to the Middle East, Europe and Asia From his end, Mr. James Hogan, Chief Executive of Etihad Airlines added: Running a successful airline isnt just about buying planes and flying to new cities. This is why the board of directors at Etihad Airlines has now endorsed the companys development plan for the next three years. Our enhanced summer flight program shows our commitment to developing our business operations on commercial principles. Weve switched flight timings to offer better connections at Abu Dhabi for our customers and we introduced extra frequencies on existing routes. With these pans we are striving to make, Etihad Airways more attractive to the flying public and more viable as a business Appendix 2 BUOYED BY ITS NEW parent company, Virgin Nigeria has already joined in the Lagos-London fray. Nigerian Airways announced recently that it would operate three weekday flights between Lagos and London while awaiting slot allocations for other cash-spinning European routes. Virgin Nigeria CE Simon Harford says further fleet acquisitions to complement the airlines short-haul operations in Africa are also in the pipeline. The grounding of Air Afrique an airline born from the partnership between Francophone countries, spearheaded by Cote DIvoire has created a void in the West African market. Says aviation expert Linden Birns: Airlines tend to focus their growth on markets and regions they better understand. Its therefore not surprising to notice Kenya Airways and Ethiopian Airlines dominance in East Africa, Egypt Airs in north-east Africa, Royal Air Moroc in north-west Africa and SA Airways in southern Africa. Birns says there isnt an airline that can currently claim dominance in West Africa, a market that Virgin Nigeria is keen to exploit. Though Emirates and Qatar Airways have an undisputed stranglehold on the Middle East market, new kid on the block United Arab Emirates-based Eithad Airways is posing a threat to the duos regional dominance. Cathay Pacific is without a major competitor on major trans-Pacific routes and into Asia and Europe. National carrier SA Airways is largely dominant in southern Africa and keeping tabs on Virgin Nigeria while fending off fierce competition on lucrative routes to West Africa, Europe, Asia and the US from Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, Air France and KLM, among others. Appendix 3 Etihad Airways, the UAEs national airline, announced on Tuesday that a new flight service from Abu Dhabi to Nagoya, Japan would be launched immediately. The service marks the commencement of Etihads operations to Japan. Initially the airline will fly four times a week to Nagoya, via Beijing. From March 29, the service will be increased to five flights a week. On March 27, Etihad intends to expand its Japan operations with flights to Tokyo. James Hogan, chief executive officer, Eithad Airways, said: We believe the connection between Abu Dhabi and Nagoya will offer many opportunities to grow tourism, as well as foster commercial growth and benefit key industries particularly energy, environmental services and manufacturing. The move to increase the number of flights offered comes as part of Etihads assertion that it will make a profit in 2011 and compete with Dubais Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways for market dominance. As part of this strategy, the airline has also inked deals with Italys national carrier, Alitalia on similar terms. In December 2009, the airline also took delivery of the first of five Airbus A330-300s as it expands its fleet to cope with the added destinations across the world. With the addition of Nagoya and Tokyo, Etihad now flies to 60 destinations worldwide, with eight of them located in the Far East (Beijing, Jakarta, Singapore, Manila, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur being the others). Similar to its deal with Alitalia, Etihad will also be offering code share services with Japans national carrier, ANA from March 1. This service will offer Etihad passengers connecting flights from Nagoya and Tokyo to Chitose, Fukuoka and Osaka. ANA passengers will be able to use Abu Dhabi as a hub for Etihads worldwide network. Appendix 4 Etihad Airways and Linfox-owned Armaguard Group declared that they have establishes a new company to overhaul expensive goods around the world. The partnership will view Armaguard make a presence in Abu Dhabi under its ACM mark the name utilized as the worldwide face of Australian Armaguard fixes recognized in Abu Dhabi as ACM UAE. Armaguard has become the leading player in the Australian cash logistics, currency management and precious cargo markets and in recent time in New Zealand beneath the ACM brand. In 2003, Linfox has taken over it and has the most inclusive nation-wide coverage all over Australia and New Zealand. James Hogan Chief Executive Officer of Etihad Airways said, This new joint venture allows Etihad to enhance our growing global air freight business by leveraging the ground transport and security expertise of Armaguard to offer a new service across our global network. He said that the capability to overhaul precious cargo along with jewellery, precious stones, gold, and artworks is an important next step for our cargo business especially given Abu Dhabi s rising reputation as a capital for arts and culture, with world recognized companies like the Louvre and the Guggenheim in the pipeline. Hogan said, Clearly Etihad is building a significant presence in Australia, with several strong partnerships including our game-changing alliance with the Virgin Blue Group and bases established across the country. Armaguard Managing Director Keith Broadhouse said the company was excited about expanding into the United Arab Emirates.